0 - Destination (base 10) - X -->; Destination

Assembler Syntax: NBCD <ea>

Attributes: Size = (Byte)

Description:Subtracts the source operand and the extend bit from
zero. The operation is performed using binary coded decimal
arithmetic. The packed BCD result is saved in the destination
location. This instruction produces the tens complement of
the destination if the extend bit is zero, or the nines
complement if the extend bit is one. This operation is a byte
operation only.

Condition Codes:
X Set the same as the carry bit.
N Undefined.
Z Cleared if the result is nonzero. Unchanged otherwise.
V Undefined.
C Set if a decimal carry was generated. Cleared otherwise.

Note: Normally the Z condition code bit is set via programming before
the start of an operation. This allows successful tests for zero results
upon completion of multiple-precision operations.