MicroSD Not Working | page 1 2
| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 11 Aug 2019 16:02
| Hi, I have an A500 + Vampire V2+. I am using CoffinOS R54 I tried several microsd card : Samsung, sandisk, from 1go to 128go. none are detected when I do a sddiag in the command line. Im connecting the SD card dirrectly without any extender. Am I missing something ? thanks a lot for your help. R.
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| |  Simo Koivukoski (Apollo Team Member) Posts 601 12 Aug 2019 09:43
| Format your SD card on PC to FAT32 fileformat in normal way. Do not use any Amiga tools like HDToolBox, SDMount or Giggledisk. Make sure you have: DEVS:sagasd.device L:fat95 DEVS:DOSDrivers/SD0 DEVS:DOSDrivers/SD0.info And on Startup-Sequence: VControl SD=3 Make sure that your DEVS:DOSDrivers/SD0 mountlist uses partition geometry autosense, its contents must be like this:
FileSystem = l:fat95 Unit = 0 Flags = 0 LowCyl = 0 HighCyl = 0 Surfaces = 1 BlocksPerTrack = 1 BlockSize = 512 Buffers = 300 BufMemType = 1 BootPri = 0 Stacksize = 4096 Priority = 5 GlobVec = -1 DosType = 0x46415401 Device = sagasd.device
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| |  Simo Koivukoski (Apollo Team Member) Posts 601 12 Aug 2019 09:51
| If that didn't help, you should check inside the slot to make sure that pins are not bent or damaged.
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| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 12 Aug 2019 13:48
| Thanks a lot for your reply. I will try when I get back home in 2 weeks. I'll keep you posted. R.
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| |  John William
Posts 624 13 Aug 2019 21:13
| rebate rebate wrote:
| Thanks a lot for your reply. I will try when I get back home in 2 weeks. I'll keep you posted. R.
I know this is off-topic..but I could not help but share this...I have turned my SDNet into an Ethernet port and I am using it to access the internet on my Amiga 500 :D
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| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 28 Aug 2019 08:51
| Hi, thanks for your help. I tried out what you said. And here is how I test :0 - inster the SDcard 1 - Boot the amiga 2 - on the top menu, click on mount, I get the following result : "GiggleDisk : Unable to read block 15 (size 0x800) 3 - Open a shell and type SDDiag, I get the fololowing result : Debuglevel: 0 SD Card Detection Error: FF Should the SDDiag return something if the card is no inserted ? Thanks again for your help.
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| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 28 Aug 2019 08:52
| Hi, @John, I would be interested in a description of your setup. I want my A500 + Vampire to be able to connect to the network and I am looking for the solutions available. thanks
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| |  J.M. Lapilainen
Posts 24 28 Aug 2019 09:00
| rebate rebate wrote:
| I want my A500 + Vampire to be able to connect to the network and I am looking for the solutions available.
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| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 28 Aug 2019 12:29
| Thanks
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| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 07 Sep 2019 18:06
| Hi, I tried using an extender and tested the continuity to see if all the pins were OK. All the continuity tests are fine. I checked my configuration many times and I tired to use many SD HC cards. Unfortunatly, I when I use SDDiag, I get SD Card Detection Error: FF.I there any test that I can do with a multimeter ? Thanks for your help. R
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| |  Andrew Miller
Posts 352 29 Sep 2019 22:19
| After remembering how and where to add the info (select icon then right click and select icon/information) I added exactly what Simo said and copied the Sdo from System:storage/dosdrivers to System:Devs/dosdrivers, rebooted and it showed up no problem. Before I did that sddiag was saying it was detected but wouldn't mount, saying it wasn't a dos disk. (I'm running coffin)
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| |  Rebate Rebate
Posts 7 25 Oct 2019 13:34
| Hi, just a quick update. I sent back the card for repair. The sd socket was dead (2 out of 10000). I got the card back working fine :). R
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| |  Steve Dowden
Posts 5 07 Feb 2020 12:06
| My SD card is not working as well. All and any Fat32 formatted SD card I place in the slot says it is 'write protected' even tho physically it is not. I have: DEVS:sagasd.device L:fat95 DEVS:DOSDrivers/SD0 DEVS:DOSDrivers/SD0.info Need help.
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| |  Michael AMike
Posts 152 07 Feb 2020 12:20
| Have you checked if the MicroSD card is compatible to your system? Shell - sddiag https://wiki.apollo-accelerators.com/doku.php/system_tools:microsd
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| |  Steve Dowden
Posts 5 07 Feb 2020 23:42
| Michael AMike wrote:
| Have you checked if the MicroSD card is compatible to your system? Shell - sddiag https://wiki.apollo-accelerators.com/doku.php/system_tools:microsd
Ugh... I dismantled my A2K because the original CPU socket would not socket the Vampire well. It allowed for rocking and such so I will be replacing the 68K with a machined-pin type that will allow for the Vampire card to sit tall and square in the saddle. After which I will do the 'sddiag' at a CLI prompt. Thank you for the tip.
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| |  Manuel Jesus
Posts 155 30 Jan 2022 04:21
| I am at my wits end with this. The card reader on one V500 I have works fine if I use a coffin distro. But if try in on a 3.9 WB based install using the SAGA driver install I get SD0: No DOS error. The cars I insert are visible to SDDIAG they just wont show the card contents. I keep getting NODOS on the micro SD card. Any ideas?
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| |  Tim Noyce
Posts 156 30 Jan 2022 14:34
| Which SAGA version? If your image is using a version of SAGA avaiable since about midpoint of last year, you will need to reformat the SD card using RUFUS (On Windows). Not certain what the equivalent on other OSes is. This is because the SAGASD driver has been updated and is currently much more sensitive to where on the SD card the Fat32 partition description is physically located. See this link: EXTERNAL LINK Note that this is in conjunction with ApolloOS, but would be the same for any other distro using the same or newer version of the SAGASD driver.
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| |  Manuel Jesus
Posts 155 30 Jan 2022 18:02
| I am using the SAGA Version for use with Gold 2.12 V2
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| |  Joe Kearney
Posts 1 31 Jan 2022 17:50
| Manuel Jesus wrote:
| I am using the SAGA Version for use with Gold 2.12 V2 |
I was able to get the SD card working with SAGA 2.5.1 on my V2 2.12. You can hack SAGA 2.7 to work by replacing the devs:sagasd.device and l:fat95 files with the versions from 2.5.1. I had issues after updating to AmigaOS3.2 and tried everything, eventually finding that I had to use an older version of the SAGA drivers for the SD card.
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| |  Roy Krister Ellingsen
Posts 8 03 May 2024 01:02
| I've been struggling with that problem for days now where sddiag kept reporting the error "SD Card Detection Error: FF" and using SDMountOnOff would show me "Giggledisk: Unable to read block 15 (size:0x800)!" I am running DIGITAL-VIDEO output from a seperate upscaler and it took me a good while to discover that in order for the SD slot to function I had to attach the DIGITAL-VIDEO cable to the accelerator board itself. SD card will then stop working again as soon as I unplug the DIGITAL-VIDEO cable from my monitor. Most likely power issues in my case though.
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