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Vampire Compatible Hardwarepage  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Wawa T

Posts 695
31 Mar 2017 22:55

@Michael R
  i dont think you need to convince anybody here. none said vampire cards were overpriced, rather the very opposite!

Chris Marsden

Posts 36
03 Apr 2017 19:13

My A2000 is playing very well with my new v500v2+ - thanks team for all your hard work.

However...Before I installed the vampire i used a 'Great Valley Products Impact A2000-HC+8 Series II' SCSI card. I thought i would see if i could copy the contents off the drive onto CF/SD.
I'm not getting very far. With the auto-boot jumper on (and the gvpscsi.device in ROM active) I cant get past the vampire boot screen. With the auto-boot jumper off the A2000 boots - the card shows up in early startup and showconfig. However i cant see the drives, i assume because there no driver active. When i add the binddrivers (http://babel.de/amiga.html) to Expansions once again I cant get past the boot screen.

I have GOLD2 and latest SAGA drivers installed. Everything else works fine included another Zorro II card - Hydra LAN card.

Michael R

Posts 281
12 Apr 2017 20:22

One of my favorite Amiga games is very particular as far as which Amiga hardware it works on.

The game was originally made in Germany under the name PATRIZIER
by Ascon, and then later translated to English and released as PATRICIAN. It seems to only run on 68000/68010 CPU. I have loaded
the game to hard disk, but it won't play correctly on my A1200 (68020). It doesn't like the CPU.

Does TURTLE MODE approximate A500 speed (68000/68010)? Or is it faster?

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
13 Apr 2017 04:47

Topic (on amiga.org):
"Newtek Video Toaster/Flyer software available for free"

Post #10 is very interesting (shown below).
Pyromania (on Amiga.Org) wrote:
To make it easier for everyone, for a limited time I have added the complete source code to the Amiga Video Toaster Flyer on the link below.

Get it while it's hot, we normally don't distribute the complete source this way. It will be removed after this weekend when the more limited versions of the sources are fixed on each applications link on the Open Video Toaster website.

If this was recompiled to work on the 68080. Would be.... "fascinating!"

Michael R

Posts 281
19 Apr 2017 20:37

What is the frequency of RAM used on the Vampire 600 V2 & Vampire 500 V2+ accelerator cards? Just curious.

Also, since the Vampire 1200 V2 will have the edge connector for Amiga 1200, will it also be compatible with the yet to be released A1200 Reloaded motherboard?

Johannes Schäfer

Posts 47
20 Apr 2017 17:47

Michael R wrote:

  Also, since the Vampire 1200 V2 will have the edge connector for Amiga 1200, will it also be compatible with the yet to be released A1200 Reloaded motherboard?

How can you ask if something that does´nt exist, will be compatible with something, that also still is´nt existing yet. Okay, you can ask, but no one can answer. :)

Michael R

Posts 281
20 Apr 2017 19:57

Johannes Schäfer wrote:

Michael R wrote:

  Also, since the Vampire 1200 V2 will have the edge connector for Amiga 1200, will it also be compatible with the yet to be released A1200 Reloaded motherboard?

  How can you ask if something that does´nt exist, will be compatible with something, that also still is´nt existing yet. Okay, you can ask, but no one can answer. :)

You are only partly correct. Gunnar said that
the V1200 design does exist and it's being tested.

The Vampire 600/500 RAM also exists. Gunnar said
that faster memory would improve overall software
performance. So what constitutes "faster" memory?
We have to have something to compare it to. How
fast is the memory on current Vampire accelerators?
(i.e. 100MHz, 400 , 800 ?). Hopefully, someone
can answer that question. :-)

Crow Mohikan

Posts 78
24 May 2017 12:32

wawa t wrote:

  all that is a similar idea to use sonnet ppc card alongside vampire for hardware acceleration. the drawback is twofold:
    1. the hardware in both cases needs specialized binaries, prisma doesnt let itself to be accessed via amiga standard apis like ahi, instead it needs players with precompiled support, similarly sonnet needs either genuine warpos, to be patched on the fly, or binaries adapted to a modified warpos api. so both are not useful for legacy software.
    2. the hardware in both cases lies behind a pio driven bus with a limited transfer rate. sonnet behind a mediator with its 7mb/s via zoroo3, and prisma either behind zorro or behind clockport with even less throughput.
    one word: pointless..

  sonnet uses powerpc.library.
  not need to patching binary. everybody can use normal warpos binaries without patching.

Jan Vonka

Posts 60
24 May 2017 13:48

AlfaData/BCS IDE controller 8 MB (3.4 MB/s IDE disk speed)
Deneb USB in Z2 mode (3.2 MB/s USB transfers)

Wawa T

Posts 695
24 May 2017 14:08

everybody can use normal warpos binaries without patching.

according to what i ve read, patching is now being carried out on the fly, but maybe something changed. warpos binaries as such are a special case already anyway. well. maybe i shouldnt insist at that its pointless. if it makes sense for someone else, its his choice.

Mirko Lange

Posts 16
05 Jun 2017 22:04

Hi...i have a rev.8 Board with 512 Kb chipram...
  I have the new A512 from icomp and a v2 500 plus...
  My Problem is when the Vampire is on the Board i have 512 chip and not 1 mb...It seems that the A512 is not detectect  My question is is the new A512 not compatible with the Vampire or is it my fault...
  Without the Vampire the A512 shows at other ram and not as chipram?!
On my second board rev.6a is the same Problem...
With Vampire it shows only 512 chip, without it shows 1 mb chip...
  I have thinked that the trapdoor is Auto to chipram on a A500 plus board!?

Henryk Richter
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 128/ 1
05 Jun 2017 22:25

The trapdoor RAM will be mapped as SlowMem on all A500 revisions (except A500+). This kind of memory was not supported on Vampire up to the Gold2 release. In Gold 2.5, you can use the trapdoor RAM as slow memory again.

If you like to have more ChipRAM, a small modification is needed to the A500 board(s). The jumper JP2 (near the ROM socket) must be changed from TOP+Middle to Bottom+Middle (or vice versa). Also, JP7a must be opened. With that modification, the Trapdoor RAM will be useable as true ChipRAM. This mod is not Vampire or A512 specific btw.
See also here: EXTERNAL LINK 
Note: Some Rev6a boards came with a 8371 Agnus. These cannot be upgraded to 1 MB chip directly. In such cases, Agnus needs to be swapped for a 8372a.

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
05 Jun 2017 22:30

We ll see what the troubleshooting sais.

ChipRAM will only a shortly be an issue at all, as few core updates
(few months from now) we should be able to use 2mb of Vampire RAM as chip one and SAGA (AGA+) on Vampire will take over instead of OCS on your A500.

Meanwhile, you could use tools to maximaze chip RAM and moving things to fast ram also means some speed benefit (read readmes carefully and do not apply all. Some need 020+ CPU so will work only with Vampire and only on OS 3.x).

VBRMove to fastmem
EXTERNAL LINK  Move exec to fast RAM

If you need more chipmem for WHDLoad, follow these steps

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
05 Jun 2017 22:33

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

  Move exec to fast RAM

This is not needed.
This comes automatic with our Kickstart.
Exec is always in Fastmem on Vampires.

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
05 Jun 2017 23:08

"What is the frequency of RAM used on the Vampire 600 V2 & Vampire 500 V2+ accelerator cards? Just curious."

Dont know the exact Mhz, but I believe A500 and A600 used DDR RAM, A1200 should DDR2 and standalone maybe DDR2/DDR3, and its all based on memory of Vampire v2 world premiere, where Majsta talked about it.

"Also, since the Vampire 1200 V2 will have the edge connector for Amiga 1200, will it also be compatible with the yet to be released A1200 Reloaded motherboard?"

As far as I know Not released A1200 Reloaded case and mobo should be miniITX. In terms of putting standalone Vampire when done it might be compatibile. I remember board was CPU-less, but should have CPU expansion connector.

But overall while source of any kind of new A1200 boards is great,
I dont hold much confidence personally.I see neither at Individual computers as we speak.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
06 Jun 2017 01:00

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

"What is the frequency of RAM used on the Vampire 600 V2 & Vampire 500 V2+ accelerator cards?"

Frequency means nothing.
What matters is the final performance of the memory interface.
A very good memory controller running at 100Mhz can beat a bad one running at 900 MHz.

This is what you want to see:

* The Apollo memory controller beat easily all other 68K systems.
* The Apollo memory controller outruns by far all POWER-UP PowerPC Systems
* The Apollo memory controller even beats those 900 MHz PowerPC-G3 and G4 Neo-AMIGA systems

Mirko Lange

Posts 16
06 Jun 2017 17:33

Okay thanks...
But is this really in works that in Future i will have 2 mb of chipram with the Vampire?!
Can this Vampire 500 v2 handle this in future core Updates?
I need the chipram only for whdload!
Or gives another way?

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
06 Jun 2017 18:26

What is told but no certain date:
Once newer Apollo core and fully implemented SAGA chipset on Vampire take over - they adress the RAM, so it might be even more then 2MB, but when it comes.

Yes, your Vampire will handle that kind of update -
it was made to bring AGA, 16-bit sound and 2MB+ Chip
to your A500/A600, and equally important, to let Standalone
Vampires have all this "best Classic ever" features, not just CPU.

Until that day, just for WHDLoad, simply
get that piece of software, boot with no startup,
run WHDLoad via it and enjoy WHD gaming, in most of cases
its possible with 512K Chip. Some titles simply need and check
1MB Chip and thats a limit you will have to live with, currently.

If you wanna cry over those few 1MB games, you can either play them on any UAE driven device, or think of those who have "original Amiga 1000" with 256kb chip and 512k max.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
06 Jun 2017 19:41

Mirko Lange wrote:

Okay thanks...
But is this really in works that in Future i will have 2 mb of chipram with the Vampire?!

Our internal dev-cores can set up to 128 MB chipmem

David Wright

Posts 373
06 Jun 2017 22:22

My Amiga 1000 setup has whdload games. The 512k chipram works well with some. Some specifically require 1mb, some just crash., who can be sure why.

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