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Vampire V1200-v2 Core Update: SetPatch Problem


Posts 3
07 Sep 2024 17:26

My Amiga 1200 was working fine with its Vampire V1200-v2 and old core GOLD213.

Today, I have updated the core of my Vampire V1200-v2 to GOLD217, using utility "vampireflash" (from SAGADriver):

$ vampireflash V1200_G217_BRONTO3.jic

Flashing worked perfectly.
As stated in the update instructions, I have ensured to have the following line at the beginning of my S:startup-sequence:


Then, after reboot, I'm getting an AmigaDOS window that shows the following error:

wrong number of arguments
C:SetPatch failed returncode 20

If I remove "NOROMUPDATE" from S:startup-sequence, then I get an empty Workbench screen (only a title bar on top, no icons nor windows).

I get the feeling that without NOROMUPDATE, some wrong library versions are being loaded, messing up the start of my system.

I did some checking, after doing boot with no startup-sequence (left+right mouse button pushed during Amiga startup):

$ version C:SetPatch
setpatch 47.4

$ version workbench.library
workbench.library 40.5
---> Looks suspicious

$ version LIBS:workbench.library
workbench.library 47.33
---> This is probably the version I need

Can you help me fix this problem?



Posts 3
08 Sep 2024 00:07

I have managed to fix my problem.
Here is what I did.

When problem was still there, I tried the following command in AmigaDOS:

$ Version
Kickstart 45.64
Workbench 47.2

Obviously, Kickstart version looked obsolete compared to what was needed.

Having a ROM file associated to proper Kickstart version 47.96, I then proceeded to flash it into the Vampire:

$ ApolloFlash kicka1200.rom

After reboot, I still had the issue with SetPatch not recognizing NOROMUPDATE option.
This is weird, I would love to know why.

But now, here is what I get:

$ version
Kickstart 47.96
Workbench 47.2

This is what I needed!

So, for now, I have simply edited my S:startup-sequence with:
C:SetPatch QUIET
(no NOROMUPDATE option)

And it works: My workbench is now successfully starting, showing all icons and windows!

posts 2