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Documentation about the Vampire hardware

Vampire V4 Works Fine With Project Julia Keyboardpage  1 2 

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
21 Feb 2020 08:00

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

  Simple normal PSU solves the dilemma

The Vampire itself is a low power, "green" environment friendly design. The Vampire by itself needs about 2 WATT of power.
In comparison, an optical drive maybe needs like 20 Watt to spin the motor on.
Even if the DVD drive will work this is not a good basis for a reliable system.
Therefore I would not recommend to power an optical drive over the Vamp.

Allonsanfan %

Posts 57
21 Feb 2020 22:47

Does it really matter if the keyboard works or which peripherals fit in this case, when a plastic case is unsuitable (illegal even, in reference to earlier statements on this forum) for use with the V4 anyway?

John William

Posts 566
21 Feb 2020 23:55

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

  Simple normal PSU solves the dilemma

  The Vampire itself is a low power, "green" environment friendly design. The Vampire by itself needs about 2 WATT of power.
  In comparison, an optical drive maybe needs like 20 Watt to spin the motor on.
  Even if the DVD drive will work this is not a good basis for a reliable system.
  Therefore I would not recommend to power an optical drive over the Vamp.

So what you are saying is...the motor for the DVD-ROM is equivalent to 10 V4?

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
22 Feb 2020 17:52

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

  Therefore I would not recommend to power an optical drive over the Vamp.

  Beside being modern and green, you are saying it cannot drive optical mass storage?
  I know it can with external power, but statement is M$ stupid, sorry.
  Will there be "non green model" with normal PSU and ITX to mATX form factor, just for sake of "non modernists"? Two IDE ports, please.

While low power consumption is great for industry tech (FPGA basically is), it can conflict with common sense, if put to extreme.

Its nice V has such low power consumption, power efficiency.

Its very bad if its to point 2 IDE devices are burden.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
22 Feb 2020 18:17

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

  Beside being modern and green, you are saying it cannot drive optical mass storage?
  Its very bad if its to point 2 IDE devices are burden.

The V4 is NOT designed to power a DVD burner, or power 2 big IDE hard-drives.
The same way the AMIGA 600, and AMIGA 1200, and AMIGA 500 are not designed for this.
I recommend to use the V4 for the work it was designed for.
Use it with a CF card, and use Ethernet andr SDcard to exchange data.

If you want to build a "big Box" PC with DVD burner or several physical harddrives - then the V4 is not the best option for you. Get something else.

Mr Niding

Posts 459
22 Feb 2020 18:43


I guess many things are possible, if you have the technical knowledge and understand the limitations of the V4 PCB.

For the average user, like myself, going down the bigbox setup with V4 is probably a sure way of frying the system ;)

Carles Bernat Martorell

Posts 22
22 Feb 2020 19:00

I don't see the problem:
  ELBOX 4xEIDE99 IDE splitter is well tested and working on V2 setups, I don't see why it shouldn't work on an V4. Plug that thing on the ide port of the V4, get a PC power supply, attach molex power to the cd/hdd's, wire 5V to the V4, cross your fingers, stop breathing and power on. If all works congratulations! please, share it. If you burn your board don't blame the team because you are using it in a way that is not recommended nor designed for.

Kriz Antikriz

Posts 27
28 Feb 2020 10:51

There is this video from last year: EXTERNAL LINK "Preview B-Roll capture recorded for the GURU meditation video featuring Vampire 4. In that video I demo the Vampire 4 running Amiga CD32 games whilst connected to a CD-ROM drive on the IDE bus using IDEFIX 97."

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