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A500 Keyboard Working With V4

Arananet Net

Posts 12
07 Feb 2020 10:26

Hey folks,

Long time ago i've made an adapter for the A500 keyboard to plug on PI, PC's, MAC's. etc, but unfortunately it was not working on the Vampire V4, due to the usb stack and code.

Now thanks to the firmware made by Thomas Köckerbauer (aka KOE) i've sucefully made it work.

There is an example of the adapter working with V4.


Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
07 Feb 2020 11:22

Nice video!
Well done!

Edu, this "connector" is available from you?

Allonsanfan %

Posts 57
07 Feb 2020 11:50

Nice work with the keyboard!
  What kind of case is that? Plastic?

Edit: Maybe some kind of adapter could be made to work with any USB keyboard to make it Vampire friendly?

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
07 Feb 2020 13:01

Edu, where can I buy your adapter?

T Koe

Posts 4
07 Feb 2020 15:34

Nice adaptor Edu!

It would be great if you could make it available.

For those who feel comfortable with creating one DIY:
I've created adaptor boards based on the "Pro Micro" Arduino clone, that should be relatively easy to build: EXTERNAL LINK 
I however did not yet verify these boards (I've ordered a few of them, but they still need to arrive). So maybe wait till this is done.

After I verified them, if there is interest I can sell (for material cost plus shipping) the spare ones I do not need (but that's a one digit number for each board type)

Gunnar: I have a question regarding the key mapping of the V4:
I did not yet manage to find out which USB usage IDs are mapped to the '(' and ')' keys on the keypad (amiga keycodes 0x5a and 0x5b). Did I just not find them, or are they currently not mapped?
If I did not find them - could you please tell me which USB usage IDs are mapped to these keys?
If they are currently not mapped - are there plans to do so, and do you already know which USB usage IDs you are going to use?

Philippe Flype
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 299
07 Feb 2020 16:30

Very good, this open some new doors.

posts 6