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Vampire and Sony Bravia TVs

Jamie Chapman

Posts 69
30 Dec 2019 08:30

  I cannot get the DIGITAL-VIDEO to work with Sony Bravia TV.  Tried all the pre defined modes and none would work.  The person I bought it from also had the same issue.
  Anyone have any advice and could hopefully tell me the settings needed.
  To clarify the boot screen shows but cannot get any P96 mode to show.  Get unsupported device message,

PS posted in wrong forum, can a mod delete please

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
30 Dec 2019 08:37

Can you please give more information.
Which Vampire model do you use?
Which screenmode did you try?
Which Workbench do you use?
Which driver?
Which screenmode setting?

Did you try 640x480 Screenmode?

Jamie Chapman

Posts 69
30 Dec 2019 08:44

Vampire V500+
Various types of screen modes and pretty much all resolutions
The latest
Not sure what screen mode setting means ?

Yes to try and match the boot picture, which tv shows is 640x480 and 60hz

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
30 Dec 2019 09:14

P96 has a tool to adjust the screen-mode setting to your monitor.

You can either use a pre-configured setup,
or if you really want to do it all by yourself
then you need to open each screenmode and adjust the values until your TV is happy.

This is normal behavior for GFX cards on AMIGA.

Manfred Bergmann

Posts 235
30 Dec 2019 14:02

What I usually do when a display mode doesn't work on a display is to adjust the cock rate in Picasso96Mode per mode until the horizontal and vertical frequencies are in the boundaries of what the TV or display supports.

Jamie Chapman

Posts 69
30 Dec 2019 19:16

ok will try this.  Will need to try and find what is supported.  I think I did play with this a bit but using the tv for the rgb  out so its  pain switching back and for between outputs

Eric Gus

Posts 478
30 Dec 2019 22:03

By any chance is this a US/North American Sony Bravia TV?

Adam A

Posts 130
31 Dec 2019 05:17

Sony has been using Bravia brand (Wega successor) for the past 15 years, it could range from LCD to OLED panels or from 720p to 4k

I think it will be easier if you name your tv model

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
31 Dec 2019 08:02

Your TV seems just fine. :-D
As you said it does show the Vamp logo.

So this means the TV can show the Vamp signal just fine.
=All is good.

Its absolutely normal that each GFX Card resolution on AMIGA can be configured. And configuring the resolution to match the properties of your monitor is boring normal work to do on AMIGA.
So this has really nothing special to do with a SONY BRAVIA here.

Go to "/prefs" Folder
Open "Picasso96Mode" Tool

Beware the tool is little odd to use.

On the left hand side select a resolution.
E.g. begin with 640x480

Look at the right hand side:
There should be something like
Clock 25.0 Mhz
Framesize  = 800/524
Bordersize = 0/0
Frequency  = 60 Hz

Am I right?

You can press the "TEST" button to see it.
And if the Monitor not likes the mode, you can adjust.
Sometimes Monitors have certain refresh rates the prefer.
So it could be the Monitor not like 58Hz in 640x480 but prefers 60-70Hz

So slowly change the values and test until your Monitor is happy.
And then save.

Mr-Z EdgeOfPanic

Posts 189
31 Dec 2019 08:58

I also have a Bravia TV (older one from 2011) and like you had some trouble to set it up with the vampire.
Also be sure to set the tooltype overclock=Yes for vampiregfx in devs/monitors.

If you like i can send you my P96 settings file that should work with a Bravia TV.

Sean Sk

Posts 488
31 Dec 2019 10:52

Mr-Z EdgeOfPanic wrote:

Also be sure to set the tooltype overclock=Yes for vampiregfx in devs/monitors.

Just for clarity, and for the benefit of all, what does the "overclock" tooltype do, and is it dangerous?

Mr-Z EdgeOfPanic

Posts 189
31 Dec 2019 11:22

Setting the overclock tooltype to yes means you can go beyond 50Hz vertical frequency.
Some monitors and TV's like the Bravia only take 60Hz input, so if the tooltype is set to "no" then you cannot set up the correct settings that the screen needs to display the picture and you get an "out of range message"

As long as you do not go beyond 60hz there is no danger to your Vampire, my early kipper2K V600 is running like so for over 3 years now and is running stable even with X13 cores in the past.

Martin White

Posts 85
31 Dec 2019 11:22

[edit] Too slow.

Simo Koivukoski
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 601
31 Dec 2019 11:27

Aminet has handy tools to help you calculate the right initial values to start with. eg EXTERNAL LINK 

Mr-Z EdgeOfPanic

Posts 189
31 Dec 2019 11:45

@Sean Sk:
    This is the setting i use on My Bravia TV for 1280x720 Hi-Color (16bit)

Jamie Chapman

Posts 69
31 Dec 2019 13:01

Thank you all.  I had managed to get a 640 x 480 working last night by dropping the mhz on vert an horizontal slightly below the settings suggested for the resolution in the tv manual  I will give the 1280 x 720 a try over the next few days.

Had been trying higher resolutions but without luck.

Thanks all for all your help .  Happy new year :)

Sean Sk

Posts 488
31 Dec 2019 14:13

@Mr-Z EdgeOfPanic
@Simo Koivukoski

Thank you guys for the handy information. :)

posts 17