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PATA On V1200

Chastanier Cclecle

Posts 19
18 Sep 2019 21:24

I've got some questions about new IDE/pata controller on V2 1200.
Is it a new dedicated controller with autoconfig or is it taking place over the legacy one ? (In 1200 motherboard)
Is a fastata or idefix still going to work after vampire installed ?
If not is it possible to disable it ? In order to use 4 devices with a fastata for exemple.

Thx !

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
19 Sep 2019 08:32

Hello Chastanier,
First of all, the Vampire comes with its own FastIDE controller.
This FastIDE Vampire controller deserves this name, as it is really very fast.
I think that its the fastest IDE Controller available on AMIGA.
Using any other controller would certainly be a slow down.
On the other hand having 2 controllers in parallel could be an option to use your fastest Devices like CF on Vamp, and slow stuff like CD Drive on Mobo.

Andy Hearn

Posts 374
19 Sep 2019 13:17

that's a good point, i assumed that it would just take over from the normal scsi.device IDE controller on the A1200 - plus given the CD32 doesn't have onboard IDE, it'd be the CD32's scsi.device IDE controller if it was installed in a CD32.

so it's a separate device? allowing your fast devices on the Vampire, and slow devices on the internal IDE?

1. what sort of speeds or modes can this controller run?
2. will it automatically increment by 1, to appear as scsi2.device, as seems to be the norm with multiple A2091 cards for example? (iiirc). that way it'd be "scsi.device" if there was no pre-existing device with that name (as per the CD32)
3. if nothing plugged into the normal IDE port, do we still get the 30second wait on boot while it searches for a device?

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
19 Sep 2019 14:36

Andy Hearn wrote:

  1. what sort of speeds or modes can this controller run?

The VAMP FastIDE can real world usage  reach ~13-18 MB/sec
this is depending on the device.
Andy Hearn wrote:

  3. if nothing plugged into the normal IDE port, do we still get the 30second wait on boot while it searches for a device?

No, it should not wait.

Chastanier Cclecle

Posts 19
19 Sep 2019 22:47

Thx Gunnar for jour answer but just to be sure, are you really confirming fastide is working as a secondary storage controller without superseeding the original one ?
  If it is not the case it is actually not a big problem because as you said fastide will be very fast, but we do have to take care of this aspect while we are preparing our lovely Amiga 1200 to be ready for the vampire !

posts 5