I Prefer a New Firebird Improvement | |
| |  John William
Posts 624 25 Jan 2025 16:08
| I do not care for hack solutions. If given choice between new ram and sata I would pick sata. If you release new card with four to five sata ports removing ide all together I would buy your new card immediately. Firebird v4 one without hesitation. You can put 8 gb ram in firebird and keep ide and I am not interested. But that is me. In future, will you turn the usb in firebird 4 as normal usb port to use usb external devices?
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6319 26 Jan 2025 14:14
| If you want SATA drives, you can use today already. You can also use mSATA SSD today.
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| |  John William
Posts 624 27 Jan 2025 05:01
| Gunnar von Boehn wrote:
| If you want SATA drives, you can use today already. You can also use mSATA SSD today. |
How do you SATA drive on an IDE port? Do master/slave play a role with SATA drive now? Can I have one SATA and two IDE drive? Can the 2.5" be SATA and 3.5" be IDE?EXTERNAL LINK If I put this on the 2.5" IDE port of the vampire, can I use a SATA drive now?
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6319 28 Jan 2025 19:56
| You can connect 2 devices on the IDE port. You need to select proper Master/Slave setting for them. You also have the possibility to connect SSD, mSATA or SATA drivers. Many users use such devices.Arne did post recently here in the forum abiout a drive oerformance test he did, in which he also showed some SSD and some adapters he used.
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| |  John William
Posts 624 28 Jan 2025 21:14
| Gunnar von Boehn wrote:
| You can connect 2 devices on the IDE port. You need to select proper Master/Slave setting for them. You also have the possibility to connect SSD, mSATA or SATA drivers. Many users use such devices. Arne did post recently here in the forum abiout a drive oerformance test he did, in which he also showed some SSD and some adapters he used. |
So what I understood that maximum IDE devices are allowed are two. Either two IDE 2.5" or two IDE 3.5" or one IDE 2.5" and one IDE 3.5". Please correct me if I am wrong. What if, a person wants to have one one SATA 2.5" and two IDE on 3.5". Is that possible or the concept of master/slave still applies? Now what if the person wants to have four devices, will IDEFIX99 fix this obstacle? Is it compatible with vampire? can then a person have 4 devices?Can someone shed light into this file. What does it exactly do? Is it compatible with OS 3.2 or firebird? EXTERNAL LINK
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6319 29 Jan 2025 07:12
| On Amiga the normal IDE software driver will per default handle up to 2 physical devives. The A500 does load one driver = 2 devices. On the Amiga1200 there are two drivers loaded = 4 devices maximum 2 connected to the mainbaord and 2 connected to the CPU card. This could be for example a 128 GB Flash drive and a 2 TB harddrive. You can partition each physical drive in several logical drives. So for example the 128GB Flash drive could be split in 6 logical drives each 20GB. And the 2 TB drives could be split in a high number of logical volumes. Splitting a drive in logical volums makes sense on Amiga.. as some Amiga filesystem are often run better with a not to huge parition size. On the Amiga 500/600/1200 you will run into space issues fitting 3.5" drives,and also can run into power supply limiations for them. Mind that the normal Amiga PSU and the Amiga mainboards are not designed to power several power hungry 3.5" drives. Also heat of several old school hardrives inside the Amiga case will give problems. The situation is very different if you have an Amiga 2000 or Amiga 4000 of course. They have stronger PSU and better ventilation.
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| |  John William
Posts 624 29 Jan 2025 08:15
| That explains why I could not use three devices at the same time. I am locked to two because it is an Amiga 500. The only part I hate is if I want to use the other device I have to keep powering off the Amiga and switching IDE. I worry I the long run that I may burn the Amiga, damage the IDE pin or cause sector damage on the hard drive. I may have to convert one decide to USB device instead and get the clockport usb thing. Then comes the question of whether vampire supports clockport usb? I just wish the firebird usb is a normal usb. I pray one day with a core you do turn it into a normal usb. I don’t want use for keyboard or gamepad. It is an expansion for the Amiga not a stand alone v4. One day or just stay in the dream realm.
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6319 29 Jan 2025 13:05
| Help me understand.. You have an Amiga 500 , what case and what PSU do you use?
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| |  John William
Posts 624 29 Jan 2025 14:21
| Gunnar von Boehn wrote:
| Help me understand.. You have an Amiga 500 , what case and what PSU do you use? |
Original case. The psu is a custom build psu from a very famous man who make powerful psu for Commodore. It has build in it 300 watt. Think of it as a PC PSU. It can support multiple peripherals easy.I have the devices external. Only internal device is 2.5 HDD. In future, when the hard drive goes down I will upgrade to sata. I want to break the 320 gb. With 2.5” sata I can use a 1 tb.
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6319 29 Jan 2025 14:51
| Let me try to understand your setup: You have a genuine Amiga 500 in its original case. And you use an external PC PSU with 300 Watt. And you have outside of the Amiga attached an external 3.5" drive? And inside in the Amiga you have a 2.5" drive? and all drives are powered by the same external PC PSU? And your wish /idea / goal would be add more external 3.5" drives to this?
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| |  John William
Posts 624 29 Jan 2025 16:43
| Gunnar von Boehn wrote:
| Let me try to understand your setup: You have a genuine Amiga 500 in its original case. And you use an external PC PSU with 300 Watt. And you have outside of the Amiga attached an external 3.5" drive? And inside in the Amiga you have a 2.5" drive? and all drives are powered by the same external PC PSU? And your wish /idea / goal would be add more external 3.5" drives to this? |
You have a genuine Amiga 500 in its original case==Yes And you use an external PC PSU with 300 Watt.==Yes And you have outside of the Amiga attached an external 3.5" drive?==Yes And inside in the Amiga you have a 2.5" drive?==Yes and all drives are powered by the same external PC PSU?==Yes And your wish /idea / goal would be add more external 3.5" drives to this? == Only one really. Just one external 3.5 drive.My main goal is: 1 x 2.5" device 2 x 3.5" device If possible, I mean.
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6319 30 Jan 2025 10:03
| yes, what you like to do will work. Myself, I personally would maybe try to put all inside the Amiga original case. This would look nice and clean. How about using a one to two terrabyte SSD and fit in the Amiga 500 internally? You could probably find a place inside the case for it. Would this be enough space for you? A relative nice setup could be the normal CF for Workbench .. e.g. 128 GB plus second drive like SSD with 1 TB. Both CF and SSD are now noise and very low temperatur, and light. And they are not sensitive to movement - so you can even move your A500 around without risking to have a diskcrash. And you can fit both inside the A500 case.
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| |  John William
Posts 624 30 Jan 2025 17:04
| I was thinking of upgrading from pata to sata to get more space. I was thinking of 1 tb too. But figured I will use what I have until it fails then upgrade it.
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