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Are There Plans In Future for Vampire 5?

John William

Posts 572
16 Mar 2023 21:12

If in future there are plans for Vampire 5 what would be new improvements for Vampire 5 be? Would it be double the speed as the max possible speed Vampire 4 achieve? Would it have double of everything? Will it support true SATA speed?

Tim Trepanier

Posts 135
16 Mar 2023 22:16

First, i must say i don't know if a V5 is being planned.

If a V5 did materialize, i would expect the initial release to be the latest V4SA core adjusted and compiled to run on whatever FPGA is chosen.

Then, it becomes a matter of development time to make core and driver improvements with each updated release. This is the same development pattern the V4 has gone through. How long has it taken for the initial V4SA release to get improved sound, 3D support, bettercompatibility, etc. Plus it continues to get further improvements.

Exactly what improvements are made would depend on the speed and size of the FPGA plus what the community wants. Choosing an FPGA is a key decision. It's a balance of performance verses cost. How much more are you willing to pay for twice the performance? How much for 4x or 10x the performance? Aim for too high a performance increase and very few would be willing to pay for it.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6255
18 Mar 2023 19:21

The V4 is a perfect system.

We improved it last year with several items:

a) 16 Channel Amiga DMA audio
b) 3D Acceleration (Maggie)

The V4 range is by far not at its end.
We have many plans for the V4 range for example to improve 3D core even more this year.

So focus is V4 cards.
There is no reason and no plan to replace it.


Kamelito Loveless

Posts 261
19 Mar 2023 12:47

I agree, what is needed is more V4 software.

Eddie Cejvan

Posts 28
20 Mar 2023 03:25

Kamelito Loveless wrote:

I agree, what is needed is more V4 software.

I agree.

I have little need of software from early '90s to run faster, I need new software that is designed to take full advantage of the new hardware.

Eric Gus

Posts 479
20 Mar 2023 06:21

Kamelito Loveless wrote:

I agree, what is needed is more V4 software.

And to that end, need to lower the barrier to entry for developers, eg open it up to tapping SAGA and the V4 features in AMOS Pro or Blitz or something else .. Sure ASM is great but not everyone wants to or has a desire to code in it .. lowering the barrier will promote more development and with having access to the powerful features of the V4 series can really make some impressive applications/games.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6255
20 Mar 2023 11:09

Eddie Cejvan wrote:

I have little need of software from early '90s to run faster, I need new software that is designed to take full advantage of the new hardware.

I'm pretty happy with the new software that is coming out for Apollo.
I like Games as "DIABLO" and "Apollo Invaders"
And think they are really great.
RIVA is great for Video playback.
And tools like Milkytracker allow composing and playing 16 channel Amiga Audio music.

John William

Posts 572
20 Mar 2023 15:25

What about frogger? You guys have tackled and improve RiVa and made it vampirized. Why not do the same with frogger or even ffmegplay?

Saladriel Amrael

Posts 166
24 Mar 2023 15:47

We need more software that takes advantage of the V4 before thinking about a V5

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6255
24 Mar 2023 18:46

We are enhancing the V4 range continuously.

Right now we are testing new screenmodes as 1280x 1024 and 1920x 1080 on all V4 models (SA and Accelerators)

Chris Chris

Posts 25
25 Mar 2023 07:04

Hi Apollo Team,

would be great to update the "roadmap" goals/tasks and put 2022/2023 as a huge milestone by a line. Task done by check mark or a vampire logo.

Adding what has been achieved already in real before 2022, this is a much huger amount and massive expansions of functionality on all levels not to forget all those bug fixing then shown on both pictures.

Nice would be to add, what would be planned for 2023 and on the long run for 2024.

A consolidated overview would be nice. Also that OS3.2 and so on are been able to active that all can run smooth next to each other -> unbelivable. - pure passion from the whole vamparized amigian community.

PS: Privately still no time to buy some vamps for my private hobby but will do. Time is coming while regularly being here :-) Many thanks to the whole team and all supporting Amigian's.

Örjan Olofsson

Posts 17
25 Mar 2023 19:01

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

We are enhancing the V4 range continuously.
  Right now we are testing new screenmodes as 1280x 1024 and 1920x 1080 on all V4 models (SA and Accelerators)

Doesn't V4 have 1920x1080 already or did I miss something? :)

Saladriel Amrael

Posts 166
27 Mar 2023 09:15

AFAIK it is 1280X720 Pixel resolution on a 1920x1080 display output

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6255
27 Mar 2023 11:03

The V4 cards (standalone and accelerators)
  support the following screen modes over DIGITAL-VIDEO
  AMIGA PAL  50 Hz
  RTG Modes:
The Apollo V4 series does provide a mix of different screen modes,
good useable for games and also for programs and Workbench.
The list includes also some special modes as "304x224" for running NeoGeo games.
Please note that not every monitor might support all screen modes.

Christopher Stokes

Posts 36
27 Mar 2023 17:02

The last two screen modes, 1280x1024 and 1920x1080 are most welcome for Work Bench.

posts 15