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Running Games and Apps.

Playing Amiga Game MENACE - On Apollo V4

Isabel V.B.

Posts 13
21 Sep 2024 09:15

Hello here is Isabel,
Today we play another classic Amiga game.
Menace is a Amiga Shooter from 1988, you have to fight your way to the 6 level of Draconia. The game was written by David Jones who was living in his parents house in his children room and going to school at this time.
I think its an awesome shoot em up game and its the spirit of the Amiga that kids can learn programming and can build their own games. David Jones created later Lemmings, Grand Theft Auto and Crackdown and many other games. So this is an good example why you should get an Amiga and learn programming!
You have to shoot of hundreds of enemies and avoid their fire but you never fights against humans and no blood is shown. So I would regard it as mild violence like Space Invader or Galaga.
I would recommend this game for kids.

posts 1