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Vampire4 Some Impressionspage  1 2 3 4 5 

Ali B.

Posts 24
12 Jun 2019 21:29

There seem to be language or other kind of barriers which make me miss the point on part of the posts in this thread. Either people complain about lack of communication or they complain about the style of communication or complain about being confused by the communication. I don’t get it.
I am happy to be using a maintained Vampire and am happy to see others share my joy. Even the team bringing the whole story to this point seems to be enjoying further engagement as they continue to show off capabilities like many of us did with their system back in the days - even if it was just comparisons with PC users. Amiga always was in this spirit and this holds true more than ever today. I see perfectly polished presentations on IT during my day job and usually it is just a nice facade. This community is honest and I like that. If you don’t like what you read, than you probably should not invest your money, as what you see is what you get and what you fund. I like reading people’s thoughts on potential scenarios, especially those not being totally accurate. That is what we all did back then. And it made things happen back then and even today. But arguing for the sake of arguing just sucks.
Regards and sorry for the interruption. 

Rod March

Posts 119
13 Jun 2019 01:07

Looking great!

Marian Noga

Posts 4
13 Jun 2019 09:07

I am very much a fan of the concept of Vampire. Screw all critics complaining it's not the real thing. It's as fast as you could possibly get and the continuation of classic Amiga. I would rather get Vampire V4 standalone when it comes out, then invest in any of the classic Amigas. Even A4000 won't do it guys.
With regards to communication, some guys just expect too much from the team. Let them focus on the hardware and the software. You are not getting your Commodore, Escom, Gateway or anythning of that matter back. This is 21 century and Amigas are still developed. Although landscape became a bit fragmented by now. It will stay in a niche, when some would probably like to see it becoming another major player in a computing industry. We are not first league anymore. You would need someone the calibre of Steve Jobbs and huge money to bring computers with Amiga logos to the masses. Some like Trevor Dickinson tried to pull it off on a smaller scale. Kudos to him but you are not going to get Amiga to conferences with Boing in the background. Enjoy what's there and if you're lacking something see if you can help yourself. Maybe if you're lacking good communication become one of the Vampire Ambassadors. Not suggesting they are hiring but if you see they need help just do it. This community is still around for only one reason because some people do care.

Adam A

Posts 130
13 Jun 2019 09:12

for 300 Euros, this accelerator is a beast, and price/performance wise, it the cheapest accelerator on the market, even if v4 was never released, i would definitely still have bought the v2

Marian Noga

Posts 4
13 Jun 2019 09:49

Watch this video EXTERNAL LINK if you want first class communication skills in action from Vampire team. All technical questions asked without a glitch. Good communicator.

Nixus Minimax

Posts 416
13 Jun 2019 10:22

Mike Kopack wrote:
Is it going to be sold for money? Then it’s a commercial product.

That is not my definition of a commercial project. To me a commercial project is one that is done in order to earn money. Sorry that you won't get a Vampire for free just because it is not a commercial project. The parts are just too expensive...

Granted it’s by a small team but that is why it’s even more important to be clear in their messaging.

Yes. And that's why it was stated that public cores will not be clocked that high. In the past there were so many statements about planned features that people twisted around and turned into promised features, that communication has become quite clear in that regard: whatever is shown, may or may not become available. Buy a Vampire only for what it can do today.

Lord Aga
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 119
13 Jun 2019 11:09

@Ali B. and @Marian Noga

Spot on dudes!
Cheers to you, absolute madlads :)

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6254
14 Jun 2019 06:53

Mike Kopack wrote:

Exactly, this is what I’m getting at with standardizing your messaging - don’t show what you can’t or don’t actively plan to deliver.  It confuses people and gives unreasonable expectations.

Lets us use this chance to again make clear what we deliver:
1) Vampire cards come always pre-installed with x11 Core
2) The Apollo Team provides official releases with speed x11 and x12
3) If people ask us in IRC we normally "unofficially" provide x13 releases.
All our releases are free of charge.
4) The V4 comes with 2 Flashes and a jumper to switch them.
This means users can try out faster cores as x14 "Test-core" with no risk and without need of USB Blaster.
5) All V4 cards of the Apollo Team were tested with x14 cores.
This indicates that there is very good likelihood that the people can use higher clock cores.
We plan to continue this concept of shipping v4 with x11 cores
but to offer free upgrade cores to higher speed.
The aim of this web-thread was to show the "potential" of Vampire cards.

I also think that the first post made it pretty clear,
that the card was not using a default core but a test-core running at a higher speed.

I think the potential is there:

Marian Noga

Posts 4
14 Jun 2019 07:23

Guys, what's the ETA on general availability for Vampire V4? I am reading Gunnar's post like V4 is already there with some people and feeling left out ;) lol

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6254
14 Jun 2019 10:48

Marian Noga wrote:

Guys, what's the ETA on general availability for Vampire V4? I am reading Gunnar's post like V4 is already there with some people and feeling left out ;) lol

The team have cards.
The amount of development work and testing put into V4-SA is very high.
We did develop the CPU /FPU part but also did recreate all AMIGA chips. And this not only with legacy games in mind but also in a future proof way - as we want to revive AMIGA and want to be able to build AMIGAs using modern technology like DDR3 memory.

This is a Hercules task.
We made very good progress and mass production and sales of the V4SA will start this summer.

Manuel Jesus

Posts 155
14 Jun 2019 11:23

Thanks for the comment Marian! At some point I will take the current V4 to the Westchester Amiga Users Group and show them progress. I have the V4 working on a Atrix Lapdock so a V4 laptop would be interesting. But I have to respect Amiga Bill's time and not just show up an expect a video to be made. So the last time I showed up I tried to show how V4 could do AGA CD32 games, something interesting. Perhaps some cool 3d Printed cases or something this time we will see.

Marian Noga

Posts 4
14 Jun 2019 11:25

Thank you for responding. I am pretty sure everybody appreciates your effort. The task is huge - amazing you guys want to get the best product out and put so much into testing.
BTW: I ran sysinfo on rpi3 emulated amiga the other day, and vampire v4 just kicks ass being around 140% of the emulation. It is going to be indeed the fastest classic Amiga you can get. I wish you guys can continue your efforts beyond V4. If software goes hand in hand with the hardware and we can get modern HTML5 browser ported this could amazing platform and true revival.

Mike Kopack

Posts 268
14 Jun 2019 17:40

Manuel Jesus wrote:

Thanks for the comment Marian! At some point I will take the current V4 to the Westchester Amiga Users Group and show them progress. I have the V4 working on a Atrix Lapdock so a V4 laptop would be interesting. But I have to respect Amiga Bill's time and not just show up an expect a video to be made. So the last time I showed up I tried to show how V4 could do AGA CD32 games, something interesting. Perhaps some cool 3d Printed cases or something this time we will see.

Manuel, if you do decide to go, please let me know. It’s a bit of a haul for me (I’m down in Cherry Hill, NJ near Philly, but would certainly make the drive up for that!

Loving my V2+ in my OCS 500, especially now that I’ve got the Beta core 3 on it so I can play AGA and ECS stuff on it. But very very anxiously awaiting the V4 SA. Really want to put my Prusa Mk3 3D printer and home made CNC machine to work to make a custom case!

As far as my comments about messaging - I’m just trying to help the team protect itself. Great to be enthusiastic about what they’ve produced and what it can do above and beyond the baseline.  Just saying to be careful in presenting anything beyond what is expected to be delivered so you don’t give people unrealistic expectations is all. When I first looked at the start of this thread I saw the numbers and thought “holy shit they made it even faster!!!”  I didn’t see/realized it was an Oc’ed setup. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one. When the difference between X11 and x15 is nearly 50% boost, that’s a big difference.  If somebody saw the x15 numbers and purchased expecting that performance and was getting only 2/3 that, one could expect they would be disappointed.  I wouldn’t want that to happen to them nor the bad feedback to the team that would inevitably happen.

Question - are you guys going with. Fab house to build the boards for you for the SA or are you guys going to be making them yourselves? (Thinking volumes here given what seems to be pretty high demand).

And PLEASE PLEASE get AmigaOnTheLake as a US distributor! I don’t mind ordering from Vesalia (it’s where I got my V2 from) but would be a lot easier from AOTL.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
14 Jun 2019 18:37

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

  4) The V4 comes with 2 Flashes and a jumper to switch them.
  This means users can try out faster cores as x14 "Test-core" with no risk and without need of USB Blaster.

  This is a major advancement on V4 models, nice touch!
  Are you thinking of later production of improved and tested x15 models at a bit higher price e.g. like some V600 had black editions, X13 at those days I believe.
Marian Noga wrote:

Watch this video EXTERNAL LINK if you want first class communication skills in action from Vampire team. All technical questions asked without a glitch. Good communicator.

Yes, Jesus did great presentation, as well as Tukko on last year French Alchemie Power Point presentation (even my French is rusty). Igor did great on V2 premiere. Not evereyone is ment to be PR - Steven Solie being the worst so far (too happy with too few results).

Even Gunnar presented two products in his humble wording. Everything can improve, but tech guys over PR guys is a must!

Pitteloud Stephane
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 69
17 Jun 2019 15:31

Hi, as I'm one of the organisator of the Oufparty and did the technical part of the streming, let me precise two things :

this a far more better show than your last pr stunt in front of the camera at ouf party.
  the video was too short,
  not enough questions asked
  not enough infos given

This "show" was neither an interview nor a Q & A session, but simply the first live presentation of the V1200. For us, it makes perfect sense for BigGun to make this presentation because it was present at the event. It seems to me that this goal has been perfectly fulfilled. Our goal was to show you how the V1200 works and to show it to you more closely. I also thank BigGun for having played the game, the people present at the event showed a lot of interest.

oh and 1h long dj crap vid' was lame. imho. with respect.

The goal of this live was to show a performance made by a DJ who has the distinction of being very active on Amiga, but especially who uses Vampires in his setup. This was commented on the video. It seems to me that this makes sense, because it shows a concrete and real use of the Vampire by an artist. We personally appreciated his performance. But I will communicate your point of view, I'm sure he will find it just considering the time spent composing 3 original songs on Horny, having spent the weekend before the show to prepare his performance, and to have crossed Switzerland with his equipment to offer us that.

Barana V
(Needs Verification)
Posts 59/ 1
18 Jun 2019 05:55

Well, there's at least one spectator that watched that understood  and thought the DJ using Pamela was a good show.
    I don't understand how it can be said something was crap with respect. But I'm not European, I don't understand these things...
  And thanks pitteloud for organising and particularly streaming this event so others can see it. Much appreciated.

Richard Gatineau

Posts 60
18 Jun 2019 07:12

Barana V wrote:
But I'm not European, I don't understand these things...
Where is the respect here? Please, ...

Thellier Alain

Posts 143
18 Jun 2019 09:38

  >how it can be said something was crap with respect.
  This is a very deep cultural difference
  In US it seems that the teachers already encourage their pupils "oh you did your best but it was not enough you will do better next time as you are a good child"
  In traditionnal French school (and other European countries) the teacher just say "it is crap you didnt worked enough" and the pupil dont take it personnaly as it knows that the teacher just want to enhance him.
  It seems raw but dont let you in the error too long ("you did your best")
  Often I am intrigued from forum US comments that are so enthousiast about any coding project that only begin from some days "avesome, look greats, go forward" an European will think "works first then begin to show it when it is good enough"

M Rickan

Posts 177
19 Jun 2019 00:54

thellier alain wrote:

This is a very deep cultural difference

There is also a universal expression "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."

It's pretty obvious that the Vampire team isn't showcasing its marketing skills.

Perhaps Gunnar is a terrific pastry chef or belly dancer but coding seems to be his real calling. :)

Mike Kopack

Posts 268
19 Jun 2019 20:52

m rickan wrote:

thellier alain wrote:

  This is a very deep cultural difference

  Perhaps Gunnar is a terrific pastry chef or belly dancer but coding seems to be his real calling. :)

Gee, thanks for the nightmares!! Lol

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