I Cannot Create a New Partition | page 1 2
| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 23 Aug 2023 11:49
| hi use ApolloOS 9.4 for me is impossible create a new partition, after i use hdtoolbox, i cannot format the created partition
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6301 25 Aug 2023 09:10
| salvatore abbate wrote:
| hi use ApolloOS 9.4 for me is impossible create a new partition, after i use hdtoolbox, i cannot format the created partition
1st step is maximize the layout to get access to full 128 GB 2nd step is create a new partition. Please mind here partition size limits of different Amiga file systems and ensure to set the correct MAX transfer value 3rd step go in CLI and format from there. Following these steps you should have no problem
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 25 Aug 2023 12:26
| Ok Gunnar thank you very much and good work and have a nice day
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 26 Aug 2023 01:41
| sorry which commands should i give on cli format don't works
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| |  Alexander Gent
Posts 81 26 Aug 2023 04:46
| salvatore abbate wrote:
| sorry which commands should i give on cli format don't works | There are 2 ways you can use the FORMAT command. 1) Use the pulldown menu from within workbench. 2) Use the CLI command...SYS:System/Format DRIVE DH0: NAME "Volume Name" FFS NOICONS QUICK NOTE: * Change the DH0: with the name of the partition to format. * Change the volume name to anything you like. * The option FFS is to format for fast file system. Leave that out if use are using another filesystem such as PFS or SFS. * The NOICONS option is used to prohibit the creation of the Trashcan. Delete this option if you wish to create the Trashcan. If you get stuck, then use the help option. From the CLI type...SYS:System/Format ? This will show the options you can use within the command line. The '?' option works with almost all AmigaDOS commands. For a complete list of AmigaDOS commands ... https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/AmigaOS_Manual:_AmigaDOS_Command_Reference
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 26 Aug 2023 12:02
| thank you for your reply, i used apollomax and then created the partition it tells me that the disk is not initialised so i cannot proceed with the formatting
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| |  Alexander Gent
Posts 81 27 Aug 2023 05:26
| When you setup your hard-drive for the first time or even add a partition, when the changes are saved usually an icon will appear on the desktop stating the name of the drive and the words uninitialized or the name of the drive and some garbage characters. This is quite normal. Just select the icon and click on format. Use the quick option and the drive will be formatted.
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6301 27 Aug 2023 10:09
| if you look here in the NAVI BAR then you can see a tap named "APOLLO-OS" You can find detailed explanation of all CLI commands under this TAP
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 27 Aug 2023 12:18
| ok thanks Gunnar
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 29 Aug 2023 13:54
| gunnar I don't understand the first step I have to give some command from cli or what else
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 03 Sep 2023 14:43
| ok i have created a fat partition the defaul system do not used because i had many problem with partition again all works fine
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 03 Sep 2023 15:24
| ah do not create a fat partition unfortunately but used sd card for my file apps ecc, again closed my vampire because i had many problem with a CF and many operation on default partition all best
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 04 Sep 2023 11:41
| i have noticed that ibrowse if i start it from the sd card no longer gives me problems before it used to freeze every time and this also affects other applications so i just wanted to inform the people in charge of apollo os that i think it is very good and i know that it is under development
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| |  Marc Staperfeld
Posts 3 11 Sep 2023 16:35
| HI, first of all hello evrybody. Trying to setup my Manticore right now and have a problem with the 128GB CF from Apollo I can see full size and i can create partitions. I can't format these partition. Depending on what file system I use i either get "Can't create application" (FFS) or "object is not of required type" (SFS) Partition size does not seem to influence the problem. Using R9.4 Thanks for any advice
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| |  Marc Staperfeld
Posts 3 11 Sep 2023 16:47
| HI, first of all hello evrybody. Trying to setup my Manticore right now and have a problem with the 128GB CF from ApolloI can see full size and i can create partitions. I can't format these partition. Depending on what file system I use i either get "Can't create application" (FFS) or "object is not of required type" (SFS) Partition size does not seem to influence the problem. Thanks for any advice
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| |  Marc Staperfeld
Posts 3 11 Sep 2023 17:07
| Solved the issue with the FFS Filesystem. CLI Format works for that matter
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6301 12 Sep 2023 05:21
| Please format from CLI. Please mind to set proper MAX TRANSFER value. Please mind that Amiga filesystem have max partition size limitation. Therefore it can be better make 2 or 3 partitions than one to big one.
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 12 Sep 2023 12:43
| it is not possible to create a new SFS partition on apolloOS after the procedure recommended by Gunnar creates a partition that cannot be formatted
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| |  Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6301 12 Sep 2023 14:03
| salvatore abbate wrote:
| it is not possible to create a new SFS partition on apolloOS after the procedure recommended by Gunnar creates a partition that cannot be formatted
what size did you create your partition? what Max transfer did you set? did you format from CLI?
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| |  Salvatore Abbate
Posts 41 12 Sep 2023 21:45
| Hi Gunnar I created a partition of 50 Gb the Max Transfer I do not give any option I do not format from cli
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