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Vampire 2, #1?page  1 2 3 

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
15 Apr 2017 09:25

Michael R wrote:
When it is tightly integrated with Apollo products and when AROS 68k can then take full advantage of everything that the 68080 and Super AGA have to offer including Fast IDE, MDMA, AMMX, and graphics, shouldn't it have a new name? AROS Ignition, or AROS Fusion? I like the last one since it will be a fusion of Apollo Core and AROS! That's Hot stuff! :-)

First thing that came to my mind, EXTERNAL LINK  ;-)

Back on topic, the 68080 should come bundled with a "Quiver of AROS".

But then some would say, call the computer Robin Hood or Cupid.

Michael R

Posts 281
15 Apr 2017 13:13

Thierry Atheist wrote:

Michael R wrote:
When it is tightly integrated with Apollo products and when AROS 68k can then take full advantage of everything that the 68080 and Super AGA have to offer including Fast IDE, MDMA, AMMX, and graphics, shouldn't it have a new name? AROS Ignition, or AROS Fusion? I like the last one since it will be a fusion of Apollo Core and AROS! That's Hot stuff! :-)

  First thing that came to my mind, EXTERNAL LINK  ;-)
  Back on topic, the 68080 should come bundled with a "Quiver of AROS".
  But then some would say, call the computer Robin Hood or Cupid.

Judging by the current state of AROS 68k someone is going to have LOTS of work to do to make it work on Apollo Accelerators or anything else. It should install quickly and easily and just work with no hassle of constant tweaks. It should look professional with nice 24bit icons like Icaros Desktop and it should just work. I'm going to be using Amiga OS 3.5/3.9 for a long time at this rate. :-)

If something nicely done and professional looking that is also quite functional like standard versions of AROS is used on the Apollo products they could easily be no. 1 seller in the 68k accelerator or standalone market. But for the moment we have several choices for operating system as these other options have time to mature and improve!

Michael R

Posts 281
15 Apr 2017 17:58

We are going to be pleasantly surprised when sales of the Vampire 1200 V2 alone approach 5,000 and the standalone board sales approach 10,000! Apollo products are going to be very popular and very successful. This new hardware presents us with several options as far as compatible operating systems. But we'll have to begin to think outside of "Pandora's Box" of possibilities! (Pandora was the code name for the original AGA chipset before release and it may be a better name for PARASITE - my opinion!).


Of course we have Amiga OS 3.5, 3.9 and that will suffice until something better comes along. (Assuming Apollo products will be with us for a while). So what else could we do?

Instead of focusing just on Amiga OS 68k and AROS 68k there are other combinations that might work. Should we consider something like AEROS? We could have a slim Linux 68k distro with a microkernel running underneath to interface with modern hardware. And on top of that we could have a full blown AROS hosted system that interfaces with and takes full advantage of Super AGA for legacy Amiga software. AROS (AEROS) would use RTG + SAGA. Linux 68k would only use RTG. According to what I've read AEROS currently is VERY fast and stable! If doable, this might be a better option for all those shiny new Apollo cards?

But then maybe we could have a dual-boot Amiga OS 3.5 or 3.9 on one partition and Linux 68k + AEROS on the other with shared directories and drives. Use AEROS for everyday tasks including internet, and use Amiga OS for "fun and games"?

So many possibilities! Thank you Apollo Team for all this new hardware and a chance for Amiga to be great again!

Michael R

Posts 281
15 Apr 2017 17:59

Norbert Kett wrote:

  here is my AROS Vision UAE config file:

  Thank you. I'll give it a try.

Is Vampire equipped with a menu for dual-boot such as selecting Amiga OS 3.5 on one partition or AROS Vision on another? How would that work?

Michael R

Posts 281
15 Apr 2017 23:13

Norbert Kett wrote:

  here is my AROS Vision UAE config file:

  Thank you. I loaded your config file for Aros vision but yours uses the built-in WinUAE Aros ROMs? I don't have those so I used your config file with the ROMs that came with the Aros Vision I downloaded. Still having the same issue. Aros stops loading at DOS. I suspect it may be bad ROM files if your config works well and everything else is the same.

M Rickan

Posts 177
16 Apr 2017 20:12

Michael R wrote:

Providing much needed new hardware doesn't cause further fragmentation or division in the Amiga community. I don't understand the connection there. 

That's not what I said... I said *targeting* specific hardware - as in developing products exclusively for a limited market.

Casting the Vampire as a 68k platform doesn't do anyone any favours. The Amiga market has a long history of compartmentalizing everything. The Vampire is an Amiga.

M Rickan

Posts 177
16 Apr 2017 20:29

Mo Retro wrote:

What would be the benefit of the clsed source OS 4.1 for our Vampire V2's?
    Aren't we better served with pure AROS and/or a hybrid OS3.x and AROS?.

Choice is the ultimate objective - it's not a matter of what's best.

If there are more reasons for people to buy Vampires there will be more Vampires. More Vampires means continued development and more products.

Whether you want to run 3.1, AROS, 4.1, MorphOS or Microsoft Bob on a Vampire is irrelevant.

Bring. Them. On.

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
16 Apr 2017 20:45

m rickan wrote:

Michael R wrote:
Providing much needed new hardware doesn't cause further fragmentation or division in the Amiga community. I don't understand the connection there.

That's not what I said... I said *targeting* specific hardware - as in developing products exclusively for a limited market.

Casting the Vampire as a 68k platform doesn't do anyone any favours. The Amiga market has a long history of compartmentalizing everything. The Vampire is an Amiga.

"The Vampire is an Amiga."
100% accurate. Because of complete backwards compatibility, well, at least ~90%+.

"The Vampire is a new platform."
That's a grey area, because people may choose not to compile for or write assembler code for multiple CPU case instances. Fragmentation will occur, forcing ALL "boats to rise with the shifting tide", assuming they buy a Vampire II/III.

Then it WILL be a "new platform".... that NO ONE can be opposed to. :-D
m rickan wrote:
or Microsoft Bob


Wawa T

Posts 695
16 Apr 2017 21:37

Michael R wrote:

Norbert Kett wrote:

    here is my AROS Vision UAE config file:

    Thank you. I'll give it a try.

  its strange that aros should need a prticular uae configuration to run on. im exatly doing the opposite, testing it on all different kinds of config to ensure that it works everywhere.
  so far i dont know what would limit it much with uae. if you set the cpu to plain 68000 it wont boot full to wanderer, but it should boot without the s-s afair. if you have only 2mb or ram set you will also not be able to run wanderer, thats celas. but all else should workalso emulated extensions, provided, you have genuine 68k driver binaries for them.
  one thing i can think of with the real hardware is that ars may have a problem booting from internal ide on a600 and a4000, because of some missing electronics, timing or interrupts, take your pick. not so with a1200.  other than that you will need to load a p97 driver for your rtg board with arosbootstrap.

Wawa T

Posts 695
16 Apr 2017 21:45

also, whoever wants to try a acurrent build, and doesnt want to download a few hundred mb of full fledged distribution with tons of additional software, can simply grab one from aros page:
EXTERNAL LINK  hmm, the nightlies arent exactly up to date, i need check it out..

also whoever has an ambition to build aros (68k) themselves and play with the code, its very easy, i should be able to help with any issues, but it is as much as check out configure target and make.

Michael R

Posts 281
16 Apr 2017 22:10

  If there are more reasons for people to buy Vampires there will be more Vampires. More Vampires means continued development and more products.

  Bring. Them. On.

In that case wouldn't it be nice if Apollo Team made a PCI version with 68080 + super AGA? If they build it we'll find a use for it, or rather millions of uses!

Michael R

Posts 281
16 Apr 2017 22:23

wawa t wrote:

also, whoever wants to try a acurrent build, and doesnt want to download a few hundred mb of full fledged distribution with tons of additional software, can simply grab one from aros page:
  EXTERNAL LINK  hmm, the nightlies arent exactly up to date, i need check it out..
  also whoever has an ambition to build aros (68k) themselves and play with the code, its very easy, i should be able to help with any issues, but it is as much as check out configure target and make.

Thanks. My Deutsch is a little rusty but I chose the m68k boot iso. Does it contain new Aros boot roms in case the ones I have aren't good? Just to be sure.

It would be great if we could use HDTollbox to prepare a disk for use with the Vampire accelerator then use a dedicated Aros 68k installer to install Aros to disk. But I wonder how Vampire Maprom will deal with the Aros ROM files?

Wawa T

Posts 695
17 Apr 2017 02:26

sorry, i have linked to a german download page by mistake. here you go:
  yes, the iso contains fully bootable hd image. it doesnt need any installation. simply copy it to your boot partition, be it a bootable dir in winuae.
  and yes it contains the very rom images needed in order to boot it.
  aros-rom.bin and aros-ext.bin contained in /boot/amiga subdirectory.
  you have to point uae to these files as rom and extended rom file, just as you point it to the hd directory or image:


  you can softkick aros from amiga kickstart, thatshow it is done on a real amiga forthe time being. but way should be found for the flash equipped setups to simply flash the rom, given that it has 1mb storage space.

M Rickan

Posts 177
17 Apr 2017 20:05

Michael R wrote:

In that case wouldn't it be nice if Apollo Team made a PCI version with 68080 + super AGA? If they build it we'll find a use for it, or rather millions of uses!

If priced at a decent clip, I suspect that the appeal may be there. A lot of users will not want to acquire/update legacy hardware or introduce more systems into their existing environment.

And yes, I fully expect the usual: "But why would someone want to buy a PCI Vampire if they can just use UAE?"

And the usual response: that pretty much applies to everything.

Michael R

Posts 281
17 Apr 2017 20:12

m rickan wrote:

Michael R wrote:

    In that case wouldn't it be nice if Apollo Team made a PCI version with 68080 + super AGA? If they build it we'll find a use for it, or rather millions of uses!

    If priced at a decent clip, I suspect that the appeal may be there. A lot of users will not want to acquire/update legacy hardware or introduce more systems into their existing environment.
    And yes, I fully expect the usual: "But why would someone want to buy a PCI Vampire if they can just use UAE?"
    And the usual response: that pretty much applies to everything.

  There are millions of computers in use that have PCI slots. If they build a PCI version of the Apollo System (68080 + Super AGA) we will find many uses for it. It would fit in any computer with an available PCI slot, whether it be PC or Mac, or some of these new PPC boards. Just food for thought.

Kolbjørn Barmen
(Needs Verification)
Posts 219/ 2
17 Apr 2017 23:06

I found my old Catweasel mk4 the other day, and the only computer I could find that still has PCI is the Pegasos1. No - PCI is not so common anymore.

Mr Niding

Posts 459
18 Apr 2017 00:42


Olaf Schoenweiss

Posts 690
18 Apr 2017 12:06

I am the creator of Aros Vision. As far as I know Aros 68k not boots on Vampire at the moment, additionally Vampire is slow compared to UAE on a fast PC, Aros Vision is not optimized for that.

Wawa T

Posts 695
18 Apr 2017 12:42

Olaf Schoenweiss wrote:

I am the creator of Aros Vision. As far as I know Aros 68k not boots on Vampire at the moment, additionally Vampire is slow compared to UAE on a fast PC, Aros Vision is not optimized for that.

what is the reason for it, not to boot? it actually should. maybe it can not softkick form apollo modified rom? or this is a problem with ide interface i encountered on a4000. in this case it at lest should start to execute arosbootstrap, which would be visible if someone cought the serial log.

and as for speed it certainly should be faster than on my a4000/60/50, woulnt it?

Olaf Schoenweiss

Posts 690
18 Apr 2017 13:03

I think last time tested there were problems with booting from harddrive. Jason promised to solve it but then unfortunately left. The other problem was that Wanderer was very slow, perhaps it is better now I do not know.

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