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V1200 Order Page Is Onlinepage  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

Kresimir Lukin

Posts 65
02 Jan 2020 09:41

there are always "purist" who will convince new Amiga users to buy old cards
And yes there are new people using Amiga first time, like people who wanted Amiga when they were kids, but could not afford one, as I see on fb. Then they ask for advice on fb group, and some guys convincing them to buy expensive old hardware.
Therefore no problem to sell that Blizzard on ebay.

Michael Borrmann

Posts 140
02 Jan 2020 09:49

I guess for some people who were active in the 90ies, owning an old 060 accelerator card is also part of their "retro experience".

And that's cool. Like we say in Germany, "ein jeder Jeck ist anders" (different horses for different courses).

Todd H

Posts 27
02 Jan 2020 15:52

Ready to do some testing. Can't wait.

Eric Gus

Posts 479
03 Jan 2020 06:33

Kresimir Lukin wrote:

there are always "purist" who will convince new Amiga users to buy old cards
  And yes there are new people using Amiga first time, like people who wanted Amiga when they were kids, but could not afford one, as I see on fb. Then they ask for advice on fb group, and some guys convincing them to buy expensive old hardware.
  Therefore no problem to sell that Blizzard on ebay.

Yea .. granted I love my Amigas and specifically was talking to someone about my A3000 and they were talking about getting a "cheap" RTG fpga board for like 350e then as my A3000 lacks any kind of CPU accelerator card, another 1000e for one of those.. yea.. I love my gear but in 2020 im really not going to dump 1500e into her, this isnt 1997.. sorry old gal.. if a vamp ever comes out for the 4000/3000 you got it.. but not spending 1500e on old creaky boards. She can stay as-is, as she has been ever since the day I bought her brand new from Commodore till then.

Smartroad 78

Posts 116
03 Jan 2020 17:37

Kresimir Lukin wrote:

there are always "purist" who will convince new Amiga users to buy old cards
  And yes there are new people using Amiga first time, like people who wanted Amiga when they were kids, but could not afford one, as I see on fb. Then they ask for advice on fb group, and some guys convincing them to buy expensive old hardware.
  Therefore no problem to sell that Blizzard on ebay.

I'm keeping my Blizzard PPC card ;) Great having a bit of history, not selling here!!

Kresimir Lukin

Posts 65
03 Jan 2020 17:45

I didn't say people need to sell, just that is not problem to sell
Up to you, I don't have any card like that, therefore nothing to sell, but also with vampire available will not buy something like that as well

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
03 Jan 2020 17:53

smartroad 78 wrote:

  I'm keeping my Blizzard PPC card ;) Great having a bit of history, not selling here!!

  In Croatia I remember hearing Voodo had one, as well as AmigaOne  (AmigaWarp EXTERNAL LINK )
  Keep it running, its PowerUp/WarpUp war survivor that can even ran OS4 Classic.

Smartroad 78

Posts 116
04 Jan 2020 11:34

Kresimir Lukin wrote:

I didn't say people need to sell, just that is not problem to sell
  Up to you, I don't have any card like that, therefore nothing to sell, but also with vampire available will not buy something like that as well

I know you weren't ;) I was being a bit "tongue in cheek" hence the smiley after my statement :D

Agree with you though, with the Vampire there is no real need to get most 040/060 accelerator cards. I'd argue that for many who just want to play old games an 020/030 with 4/8MB would be fine and probably cheaper than the Vampire as well. That assumes they have an A1200 to begin with though.

Smartroad 78

Posts 116
04 Jan 2020 11:53

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

  Keep it running, its PowerUp/WarpUp war survivor that can even ran OS4 Classic.

I tried running OS4 Classic, it was sooooooooo slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww LOL I even managed to find 256MB of RAM for it!

The A1200 I have in the tower case is a little worse for wear, I waited to long to change the caps. I am hoping some of those new replacement motherboards start to appear so I can have a desktop cased one with the Vampire and a towered one with the 040/PPC accelerator!

Sean Sk

Posts 488
04 Jan 2020 12:52

smartroad 78 wrote:

I'd argue that for many who just want to play old games an 020/030 with 4/8MB would be fine

Even still though, games that you would not normally think it, still benefit from the Vampire. A case in point for me is Civilization. When you start a new game it can take a couple of minutes or so for the map to generate, even on an 020. On a Vampire it takes mere seconds. :)

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
04 Jan 2020 14:19

smartroad 78 wrote:

        I tried running OS4 Classic, it was sooooooooo slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww LOL I even managed to find 256MB of RAM for it!

      Well, on OS4.1FE+Enhancer, PA Semi 1.8Ghz, 2GB RAM and 2GB extended RAM, RadeonHD 7000 1GB and latest paid 3 times RadeonHD drivers - it was enjoyable, but buggy and could not run most of OS3 apps and games with help of UAE (JIT came late, so it was even OCS in beginning) so I figured out its kind of bad version of Amiga Forever. I imagine on 604 128mb RTG, even high end in OS3 glory, it would crawl.

  Funny part is - most of Hype revenues does come from quite bad OS4 Classic and OS 3.1.4 versions (Classic and not AmigaOne users!). I am glad I also have my OS 3.5CD from back in the days.
      I am glad I will have another OS 3.9/AROS experience :)
smartroad 78 wrote:

      I'd argue that for many who just want to play old games an 020/030 with 4/8MB would be fine and probably cheaper than the Vampire as well. That assumes they have an A1200 to begin with though.

      With exception few high end titles like AB3D and Quake, even my old and dead A1200 020/28 FPU 4MB Fast (with external CD and 3.5" HDD) would do most of magic.
      But it was ugly, a bit less reliable and hard to repair. As well as to expand it to 060 RTG was extremely tricky and expensive.
      One in all, v4SA is to me nice jampack. Not too little, not too much. With lesser FPGA systems I would e.g. bang the limit once trying to render or run Vista.
    Plus there is "option to grow" (with small library of 080-MMX software, but already more interesting and updated then PowerUp one!) or with AROS m68k and FreeMINT native support.

Michael Borrmann

Posts 140
05 Jan 2020 20:16

smartroad 78 wrote:
I'd argue that for many who just want to play old games an 020/030 with 4/8MB would be fine and probably cheaper than the Vampire as well.

I'd argue for playing old games an A500 with a Gotek would be fine enough.

Igor Majstorovic
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 409
07 Jan 2020 17:03

People, honestly, I m going crazy answering all the mails and PM on every possible messenger system. Please, wait for mail from our server, read instructions there and follow them. On my side there are holidays, today is Xmas and new year will happen soon so everything is closed including post office. In initial mail is clearly said that card will be sent within 7 working days and usually that's how it goes. I m well aware that everyone is impatient to get v1200 card but with so much msgs sent to me you are not helping speed things up. It is also stated in automated mail to be patient and to let us finish our work. I m trying to be polite and answer to everyone but this turns out to be at least 2 hours exhausting time of typing for me every day. In that time I m not soldering or packing cards, just answering questions who are already stated in 3 mails you automatically receive when you express interest on our pre-order page or when status of your order change. I don't even know how to put this to not become rude but but seriously read those mails with patience. Everything is well organized, when to pay, when to ask for tracking number, when to report problem or something else. For example. If it's stated that request for tracking number should be sent within 48-72 hours and you ask for it same minute when you sent the payment with sentence "Can you send me tracking number when you send the card". No I can't because I will forget, because there is so many people asking the same. Or questions like "I m just checking did you send me mail because I didn't receive anything yet". Or "Can you tell me what's my place on the list?" Or, "Why my status didn't change and I paid 2 days ago". Again, I m trying to explain, tasks I m doing now are tasks for at least 10 people, and I m trying my best as a person with two arms can do. I m writing all of this because hell break lose on me with publishing info about V1200 pre-order list and nothing before this can be compared. Please just be patient and let me work because I feel I ll break from so many tasks I have right now. Thank you, and again, please forgive me, I didn't wanted to sound rude but I m so tired...     

Robert Magdziarz

Posts 7
07 Jan 2020 19:00

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Igor!

Kyle Blake
(Needs Verification)
Posts 108/ 1
08 Jan 2020 03:52

Igor needs help with this. Nobody should have to run an entire company's worth of jobs alone.

Sean Sk

Posts 488
08 Jan 2020 07:24

Hey Igor,
No you're not being rude. You're telling us the reality of the situation and we understand. You're doing an awesome job. Please don't ruin your health over this. Might be an idea to get someone to do the administration stuff for you, to lighten the load off your work.

Joe Maroni

Posts 4
08 Jan 2020 10:06

I didn't contacted you before but i'm not sure if you already got my money. It was sent with Paypal but i think i forgot to mention "Vampire 1200 order" in the purchase details. Money was sent October,30th 2019.
And you are doing a very good job...:)

Jari Eskelinen

Posts 23
08 Jan 2020 10:47

Kyle Blake wrote:

Igor needs help with this. Nobody should have to run an entire company's worth of jobs alone.

I believe simple order management system would take lots of pressure off as people can check current status of their order etc. by themselves. Customers are not being rude, they are just worried if everything is ok and this justified concern as so much can really go wrong; you could make a mistake with payment, emails could've been lost in action or marked as spam etc. etc. etc.

E.g. I am still not sure if my payment towards V4 went through as I was promised to be informed as soon as payment is received but haven't heard anything ever since. If this would be purchase from commercial vendor I would already contact their customer service and actually be angry, but this time I try to keep my cool as I understand that everything is being handled manually etc. Not everybody understands this and they expect commercial level communications etc.

Simple order management system and I could check that yes, my payment went through and order is at the moment waiting for next batch.

Red Bug

Posts 24
08 Jan 2020 11:09

I absolutely agree with that ... It's so easy to ruin ones health. So this goes for all of you - Igor, Gunnar and the Apollo Team: take care of yourself! Don't do things (like the whole ordering, selling, packaging stuff) by yourself that you can give to other people! We all want you to continue your work for many years - not to break down because of burnouts and such things (I know what I'm talking about ...)

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
08 Jan 2020 12:14

Khm, as you can read in FAQ description - team does it, so have patience. Imagine you have just recieved couple hundred orders to pack, send and e-mail.

There will be no outsourced p&p company for time being, if there was one, it would cost a bit more and its questionable would delivery be faster since production is linked to team.

That is system as-is. If you can build, manage and pay cost of some better DHL like, please do so and give it to team.

I know it does not look pro, but it works and none budget is hurt.

So, remember: patience is virtue!

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