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Renee Cousins
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 142
30 Oct 2017 20:09

Thierry Atheist wrote:

As for security, while people want that, the cost of it is too high and leads to a debilitating framework when one of the core principles of AOS was a simple USER MANIPULABLE OS. For instance, the CURSED windos REGISTRY is one of many things that come about as a result of "security features" implementations!!!!!!

The registry, DLL hell, INI files -- if Windows were secure it wouldn't have a million holes in it that get routinely exploited every day. But that's not to say that the Amiga could not easily implement a little security without breaking anything:

* Protected system files with a password required to bypass said protection. This isn't a full "multi-user" system by any stretch, just one password for a special case of operations. Protection is a hash table stored in ROM and masks all IO operations and is thus transparent to the actual filesystem.

* Separation of "dangerous" and "not-dangerous" Preferences, and protect settings and ENV files using the same mechanism as above.

* Enforcer enabled on all MMU machines to cleanly and safely shut down bad software and/or provide debug hooks when debugging is available.

* A proper firewall. Keeping with the Amiga mentality, this should be a "router on a chip" that also provides networking offload, etc, thus, not taking from the main CPU.
Thierry Atheist wrote:

What was the DOWNFALL of their attempted re-entry into the mainstream computing scene was DISGUSTINGLY expensive hardware, and NOTHING ELSE but THAT!!!!!

Absolutely agree. Power PC was the wrong choice.
Thierry Atheist wrote:

When Hyeprion came on the scene, they were a decidedly SOFTWARE company. They had to go with a CPU that didn't exist --->advanced 680x0 CPUs, or PPC, where there was a history established, or cold start on 80x86 CPUs where endianness was a BIG issue too.
They chose PPC. I was 100% opposed to that, but as there was NOTHING ELSE AVAILABLE, I nonetheless, supported the idea.

Have to stop you here. No other alternative? You want a big-endian processor that's dirt cheap -- ARM. By 2001, ARM had a 76.8% hold on the 32-bit RISC processor market. They weren't as fast as the PowerPC's of the time (about 200MHz vs 800MHz), but the cost savings alone would have been unimaginable, and the CPU deficit should have been offloaded with other custom chips (or even additional ARM cores running dedicated ROMs -- like one that just handles all low-level IO, and one that handles Networking and firewall), etc.

It would have also solved all the technical problems of the PowerPC and within a few years, ARM would catch up and beat PowerPC. Not that Eyetech or Hyperion couldn't have licensed the core from ARM and made their own improvements (e.g., Digital).

Even **IF** ARM was not considered, the ColdFire dates back to 1994 and we had the V4 architecture by 2000's. The V5 was cancelled when Freescale saw the writing on the wall -- everyone was adopting ARM because it was stupidly cheap, flexible and very low power (which is important in the gradual shift to mobile computing). Although, ARM would have still been the better choice.
Thierry Atheist wrote:

Amiga Inc. and Eyetech and Hyperion should have realised that the BULK (80% +) of AMIGA users, what they REALLY wanted was OLD AMIGA made ANEW.

Assuming they had to start development a couple of years before their release, say 1998, there wasn't a 68000 option other than the ColdFire. The V4 was available under NDA, so if they were planning for a release in 2000, that would have worked out okay. It isn't a true 68K processor, but I imagine it would have been a thousand times easier to port the OS to ColdFire than it would to PowerPC or ARM. And while "emulating" the missing 68K features was a huge hit on performance, it's less so than emulating the 68K outright on a PowerPC or ARM. As long as critical core OS functions were recompiled to not use those instructions, things like memory copy, list handling, intuition, etc., would all be native and run eight times as fast as legacy 68K code.

As with the ARM comment above, they could then offload "work" to other custom chips -- a custom Ethernet CPU would be a big one. This way, the slower core CPU speed has less real impact on performance. I would have also integrated something akin to a PowerVR on board along with a simple SVGA and DAC (prob. Cirrus Logic) chips and have built-in support for these two chips. If people want something better in the AGP slot, then it's their choice to deal with slower boot times, etc.

Perhaps if there were more people buying them, Motorola/Freescale/NXP wouldn't have left them die on the vine.

John William

Posts 566
30 Oct 2017 20:23

Thierry Atheist wrote:

Steve Ferrell wrote:
I hope you're being sarcastic and not being serious...

  Hi Steve Ferrell,
  I am 100% serious to the last letter in what I wrote in those two posts. ZERO sarcasm on my part.
  Amiga Inc. were a bunch of morons, BUT selling the rights of AOS to Hyperion and working with Alan Redhouse (Eyetech) were their ONLY redeeming qualities, happening completely by fluke, I might add!!!!
  I can see that some here have the mentally demented instability of anti-Trumpers in their hatred of Hyperion too. I visualise them like this!
Steve Ferrell wrote:
having owned an NG Amiga I really tried to find something to like about OS4 on my NG Amiga but simply couldn't.

  I seriously doubt that. (See video above.)
  In fact, I would call you a liar if you solemnly stand by that statement.
Steve Ferrell wrote:
OS4 was/is slow and woefully lacking in software.

  It was NOT (very) slow. That's a fake assessment by yourself. YOU simply hate Hyperion.
  And the fact that it was/is lacking in software is NOT Hyperion's fault at all!!!!
Steve Ferrell wrote:
The lack of multi-user capabilities,

  Pretty much, for the most part, Amiga users don't care about that. I NEVER (<--yes, 100% accurate) will.
Steve Ferrell wrote:
lack of useful software and the lack of security made it impossible for me to use it or recommend it for anything more than a curiosity to folks in the IT industry and I'd never recommend an NG Amiga and OS4 to a casual home user period. OS4 has rough feature parity with Windows 98 but at least Windows 98 has a large library of apps and games.

  Again, falling to "lack of software" which Hyperion Entertainment have NO control over.
  As for security, while people want that, the cost of it is too high and leads to a debilitating framework when one of the core principles of AOS was a simple USER MANIPULABLE OS. For instance, the CURSED windos REGISTRY is one of many things that come about as a result of "security features" implementations!!!!!!
  What was the DOWNFALL of their attempted re-entry into the mainstream computing scene was DISGUSTINGLY expensive hardware, and NOTHING ELSE but THAT!!!!!
Steve Ferrell wrote:
It's hard for me to even consider NG Amigas to be Amigas....they're more like severely crippled PPC Macs than any of the Amigas I once knew.

Steve Ferrell wrote:
Hyperion severely bungled things with OS4 and lately it seems that bungling is all they're good at.

  Rather then attempting to explain why it is that you don't like them (FAIL), it would be easier to say that you HATE them.... Don't know why, but you do.
Steve Ferrell wrote:
I got tired of waiting for Hyperion to deliver on all their unfulfilled promises (10 years and counting on some of them) and took my money elsewhere. I'll never purchase another product from them.

  Yeah, that's okay too.
  But, you should redirect your anger at the REAL culprits in this case.....
  And, I'll tell you the story of what it is.....
  The INCOMPETENT IDIOTS that are responsible for the disappearance of AMIGAS from mainstream computing are IBM and motorola/freescale.
  IBM OWNED the microcomputer market, and then allowed clones to appear that took ALL of their sales away (so much for DIVERSITY, eh?). They were IDIOTS for NOT writing the OS for their microcomputer THEMSELVES that allowed for the creation of the monstrosity MICROPOOP that went on to create a TRAVESTY they refer to as an "OPERATING SYSTEM" called WIN-DOS!!!!
  motorola(freescale), ABANDONED a PERFECTLY GOOD CPU architecture to make RISC based CPUs. Meanwhile, they were making ALWAYS more expensive CPUs because their production volumes were lower, and now they go out on a limb, expecting everyone that bought into 680x0 computers and software to just leap over to MORE EXPENSIVE STILL (because it's) new hardware AND being stuck with ZERO asset value for their massive software acquisition over time TOO..... KISS OF DEATH --- IDIOCY!!!!!
  And in the end, they could NEVER mass produce OR deliver on time, their CPUs proclaimed to be faster than the CPUs that were made by intel AND WHOSE CHIPS WERE AVAILABLE to the market.
  BUT, it mattered NOT, EVEN IF they had made the CPUs on time AND had them available in quantity AND they were faster BECAUSE they were MORE EXPENSIVE. And even then, the drawback (a serious one) was crazy inflated software sizes that came with the technology.
  When Hyeprion came on the scene, they were a decidedly SOFTWARE company. They had to go with a CPU that didn't exist --->advanced 680x0 CPUs, or PPC, where there was a history established, or cold start on 80x86 CPUs where endianness was a BIG issue too.
  They chose PPC. I was 100% opposed to that, but as there was NOTHING ELSE AVAILABLE, I nonetheless, supported the idea. I bought an AmigaOne XE when it came out. Never have I thought that that was the wrong thing to do.
  While that motherboard had some technical problems, it is 100% NOT Hyperion Entertainment's fault... It was 100% NOT Eyetech's (Alan Brickhouse) fault either!!!!
  The FAULT and BLAME lie DIRECTLY at the feet of motorola(freescale).
  THEY want to sell 500,000, 1,000,000 or 100,000,000 CPUs and YET, they DID NOT MAKE IT POSSIBLE for a motherboard that WORKS to EXIST. They figured "hey, ya gots da CPU, now off you go, piece o'cake".... DIDN'T THEY LOOK AND SEE THAT NO ONE WAS MAKING COMPUTERS WITH THEIR CPUs?????
  IF they wanted CPUs that they make to be sold, they should have DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Like make it EASY to do! THEY ARE THEIR OWN DOWNFALL... and took AMIGA with them!!!!! :-( :-( :-(
  Hyperion Entertainment and Eyetech KEPT AMIGA ALIVE!
  But, I do blame them for a big mistake.
  Amiga Inc. and Eyetech and Hyperion should have realised that the BULK (80% +) of AMIGA users, what they REALLY wanted was OLD AMIGA made ANEW.
  They wanted the BoXeR, the NatAmi, the Apollo Cored Vampire.... AmiJoe even!!!!
  I'm getting what I want... WOOO HOOO!!!!

It is exhausting reading all of that!! I quit. When every time I see post by you I will simply just ignore it. I am just drained with all capitalization and exclamation mark and shouting!

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
30 Oct 2017 20:29

wawa t wrote:
werent you a member on aorg too? and most notably moobunny spammer? ;) also congrats on political aympathies ;)

Well, wawa, who EVER got banned from moobunny?

Yes I was posting on Amiga.Org. I am not banned from there.

You're sitting a "1". Got a "somewhere else" that I was banned from?

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
30 Oct 2017 21:04

I stand by all my comments.  Nothing I said is "fake" and I don't hate Hyperion.  It's just that they're useless to me.  I have no need for any product that they are peddling, whether it's a real product or an imagined product.  They're quite good at imagining an SMP version of OS4 and an office suite....they were doing that 10 years ago and still haven't delivered. When are they going to deliver on the audio and NIC drivers for the X1000, X5000 and Tabor?  Buyers have been waiting years for those with no end in sight.
BTW, your train has gone so far off the rails that no one here takes you seriously.  You have zero objectivity or credibility.  All the shouting and exclamation marks that you post in your replies only serve to reinforce that notion.

Kresimir Lukin

Posts 65
30 Oct 2017 22:01

In my opinion they are just a company what wants to squeeze some money from users and that's it.
I wish I am wrong.

Kresimir Lukin

Posts 65
30 Oct 2017 22:05

Captain Zalo wrote:

Thierry's post cracked me up. True story.
  I think it's sad Hyperion doesn't open source AmigaOS. If they let the OS live on in the enthusiast community, it might actually have a future.

I fully agree, but how then they will squeeze some more money from users.
Some people still lives very good selling residues of Amiga

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
30 Oct 2017 22:17

Well, they thought they'd squeeze Vampire users by purchasing the rights to Picasso96....that was a major blunder.  Just ask Jens how that turned out.  Then they sought to secure the copyrights to Kickstart ROMS and began selling the chips with "Hyperion" stamped all over them, even going so far as to modifying the ROM contents and removing any references to Commodore and replacing them with Hyperion.
Now they're seeing $$ signs again with all the enthusiasm over the Vampire and are trying similar tactics with OS3.1.  What a sham.....All the patches and bug fixes they're talking about can already be had for free on the net.  They just want to slap the Hyperion name on AmigaOS 3.1 and charge you a hefty fee for packaging it all up.  Think ApolloOS with the Hyperion name on the box.  They are shameless....

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
30 Oct 2017 22:22

Steve Ferrell wrote:

I stand by all my comments. Nothing I said is "fake" and I don't hate Hyperion.

Steve, more fraud on your part. You've dedicated hundreds of posts on AmigaWorld.net against Hyperion when a trivial 5 or 10 would suffice to bring across the point that, you don't like them.
Steve Ferrell wrote:
It's just that they're useless to me. I have no need for any product that they are peddling, whether it's a real product or an imagined product. They're quite good at imagining an SMP version of OS4 and an office suite....they were doing that 10 years ago and still haven't delivered. When are they going to deliver on the audio and NIC drivers for the X1000, X5000 and Tabor?  Buyers have been waiting years for those with no end in sight.

Companies are ALWAYS hoping to/promising more than they can deliver. Almost everyone has "grudgingly accepted" the limitations of what ~10 coders can do. You, instead of MARVELLING at how much HAS been done, want to be laser focused glued onto that they can't do what a company that does $20 billion in sales PER QUARTER, can!!!! EXTERNAL LINK 
Steve Ferrell wrote:
BTW, your train has gone so far off the rails that no one here takes you seriously. You have zero objectivity or credibility.

I know what I know, and it's a helluva lot more than you (ever will).
Steve Ferrell wrote:
All the shouting and exclamation marks that you post in your replies only serve to reinforce that notion.

Nice deflection... Trying to discredit the message on the basis of delivery vs. content.

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
30 Oct 2017 22:33

Sorry, but the only thing you're an expert on is how to be psychotic with your behavior and postings.  You're beyond delusional if you think Hyperion has delivered a "marvel".  They haven't delivered anything but empty promises for years now and if not for A-Eon bailing them out they'd be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history.
Now run along and go back to playing in traffic.

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
30 Oct 2017 22:44

Steve Ferrell wrote:
They haven't delivered anything but empty promises for years now and if not for A-Eon bailing them out they'd be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history.

"be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history." -- Steve Ferrell

So there it is, Steve, evidence that it's the equivalent of you in the video I posted a link to. Since that's your desire, you are obsessed with continuing your anti-hyperion commentaries. Pathetic.

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
30 Oct 2017 22:55

Thierry Atheist wrote:

Steve Ferrell wrote:
They haven't delivered anything but empty promises for years now and if not for A-Eon bailing them out they'd be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history.

  "be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history." -- Steve Ferrell
  So there it is, Steve, evidence that it's the equivalent of you in the video I posted a link to. Since that's your desire, you are obsessed with continuing your anti-hyperion commentaries. Pathetic.

The only obsessed person here is you as evidenced by your rantings and psychoses.  You definitely exhibit bi-polar behavior and most of your rantings occur when you're in the manic phase.  You insist that OS4 is a "marvel".  It would have been a marvel back in 1998.  And all my comments about Hyperion are based in fact.  They haven't delivered on the following:
  2007 -- SMP promised
  2007 -- Office Suite promised
  2007 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x1000
  2015 -- Audio & NIC drivers for TABOR and FPU support
  2016 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x5000
10 years to develop audio and NIC drivers is beyond ridiculous.  It's obvious they have no intention of developing them at this point and expect NG hardware users to fill their precious few slots with add-on cards.
The only "marvel" here is that 10 years after their first broken promises you're still extolling what a great company Hyperion is.

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
30 Oct 2017 23:22

Renee Cousins wrote:
Thierry Atheist wrote:
As for security, while people want that, the cost of it is too high and leads to a debilitating framework when one of the core principles of AOS was a simple USER MANIPULABLE OS. For instance, the CURSED windos REGISTRY is one of many things that come about as a result of "security features" implementations!!!!!!
But that's not to say that the Amiga could not easily implement a little security without breaking anything:

* Protected system files with a password required to bypass said protection.

* Separation of "dangerous" and "not-dangerous" Preferences, and protect settings and ENV files using the same mechanism as above.

* Enforcer enabled on all MMU machines to cleanly and safely shut down bad software and/or provide debug hooks when debugging is available.

* A proper firewall.

I'm no expert, but that wouldn't be applicable to previous versions of AOS, would they? That could come only with a modification of AOS3.1 ROM and some programs. Also the kernel? That's a big job. Could it interfere with the operation of already existing software? People like to reorganise their files, would that interfere with doing that?
Renee Cousins wrote:
Thierry Atheist wrote:
When Hyperion came on the scene, they were a decidedly SOFTWARE company. They had to go with a CPU that didn't exist --->advanced 680x0 CPUs, or PPC, where there was a history established, or cold start on 80x86 CPUs where endianness was a BIG issue too.

They chose PPC. I was 100% opposed to that, but as there was NOTHING ELSE AVAILABLE, I nonetheless, supported the idea.

Have to stop you here. No other alternative? You want a big-endian processor that's dirt cheap -- ARM. By 2001, ARM had a 76.8% hold on the 32-bit RISC processor market. They weren't as fast as the PowerPC's of the time (about 200MHz vs 800MHz), but the cost savings alone would have been unimaginable, and the CPU deficit should have been offloaded with other custom chips (or even additional ARM cores running dedicated ROMs -- like one that just handles all low-level IO, and one that handles Networking and firewall), etc.

IF they had gone that route, I couldn't even begin to imagine how they could have gotten 4+ ARM chips, each to emulate the 680x0 and the different Amiga custom chips, and get it all to work together.
Renee Cousins wrote:
It would have also solved all the technical problems of the PowerPC and within a few years, ARM would catch up and beat PowerPC.
It was impossible to know that ~10 years later, ARM chips could become the Raspberry Pi.
Renee Cousins wrote:
Even **IF** ARM was not considered, the ColdFire dates back to 1994 and we had the V4 architecture by 2000's. The V5 was cancelled when Freescale saw the writing on the wall -- everyone was adopting ARM because it was stupidly cheap, flexible and very low power (which is important in the gradual shift to mobile computing). Although, ARM would have still been the better choice.
Unfortunately (and I don't know if it would have been worthwhile) but nearly everybody gave up on that. :-( :-( :-(
Renee Cousins wrote:
Thierry Atheist wrote:
Amiga Inc. and Eyetech and Hyperion should have realised that the BULK (80% +) of AMIGA users, what they REALLY wanted was OLD AMIGA made ANEW.
Assuming they had to start development a couple of years before their release, say 1998, there wasn't a 68000 option other than the ColdFire. The V4 was available under NDA, so if they were planning for a release in 2000, that would have worked out okay. It isn't a true 68K processor, but I imagine it would have been a thousand times easier to port the OS to ColdFire than it would to PowerPC or ARM. And while "emulating" the missing 68K features was a huge hit on performance, it's less so than emulating the 68K outright on a PowerPC or ARM. As long as critical core OS functions were recompiled to not use those instructions, things like memory copy, list handling, intuition, etc., would all be native and run eight times as fast as legacy 68K code.
On motorola's part, the coldfire was a mistake, but we MAY have been able to get something out of it.
Renee Cousins wrote:
As with the ARM comment above, they could then offload "work" to other custom chips -- a custom Ethernet CPU would be a big one. This way, the slower core CPU speed has less real impact on performance. I would have also integrated something akin to a PowerVR on board along with a simple SVGA and DAC (prob. Cirrus Logic) chips and have built-in support for these two chips. If people want something better in the AGP slot, then it's their choice to deal with slower boot times, etc.

Perhaps if there were more people buying them, Motorola/Freescale/NXP wouldn't have left them die on the vine.

That is something that Hyperion should have tried, also, they should have investigated the BoXeR.

motorola totally failed when they lost Apple, because they just weren't capable of keeping up with intel. They thought RISC was the answer, but it was really their prices that did them in.

Gregthe Canuck

Posts 274
30 Oct 2017 23:28

All silly ranting aside, here are the cold hard facts...

If there are to be real updates to OS3.1 they are going to come from the Thor/Olaf duo working with Hyperion. They have the source code updated and compiling. A lot of work went into that. I don't see any other party with the capability.

If something comes out of the Hyperion's 3.1+ development that benefits Amiga users in general then that works for me. If beyond that something of benefit comes to the Vampire product line then that is great as well.

Let's just see how this plays out.

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
30 Oct 2017 23:39

Steve Ferrell wrote:
The only obsessed person here is you as evidenced by your rantings and psychoses.  You definitely exhibit bi-polar behavior and most of your rantings occur when you're in the manic phase. You insist that OS4 is a "marvel". It would have been a marvel back in 1998. And all my comments about Hyperion are based in fact. They haven't delivered on the following:
  2007 -- SMP promised
  2007 -- Office Suite promised
  2007 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x1000
  2015 -- Audio & NIC drivers for TABOR and FPU support
  2016 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x5000
10 years to develop audio and NIC drivers is beyond ridiculous.  It's obvious they have no intention of developing them at this point and expect NG hardware users to fill their precious few slots with add-on cards.

The only "marvel" here is that 10 years after their first broken promises you're still extolling what a great company Hyperion is.

That's your list? That's your "all wonderful" list of disappointment?

And yes, IT IS a MARVEL that so few people involved COULD make an OS with a guideline, but effectively from scratch!!!

Hyperion couldn't even afford to hire most of the coders FULL TIME! What has been delivered IS A MARVEL!

I don't know what you've achieved in your life, but I hope someone who knows spits on it too.

Thierry Atheist

Posts 644
30 Oct 2017 23:45

bottom line:

If they sell enough of these, it will more than likely lead to them making a 68080 enhanced version.

So, you gotta buy them.

John Heritage

Posts 112
31 Oct 2017 00:19

Just want to add to the ARM vs PowerPC discussion.  PowerPC was a much better choice at the time for several reasons:

1.  The Mac had already undertaken this transition, so there was already a proven way to interface PPC to a 68K system.

2.  ARM chips weren't actually all that powerful by 1997.  A typical ARM of 1997 was the ARM710T or 720T;  36-60 MIPS rating.  By comparison, a PowerPC 603 133-200 mhz = 188-283 MIPS.  The competition: a 200 MHz Pentium MMX was ~ 276-375 MIPS.

3.  ARM would continue to fall behind -- ARM's own computers stopped selling years previously and the mobile market wasn't hot yet so ARM was forced to reduce R&D heavily to avoid bankruptcy, while x86 investment (and PPC) was accelerating. ARM 920T from the Year 2000 would finally hit 200 MIPs, while x86 was pushing ~ 9x that throughput.

4.  The IBM-Apple-Motorola Alliance was pouring tons of money into PPC development circa 1995-1998, meaning there was confidence PPC would continue to grow and scale. 

PowerPC was probably also a better choice at the time than the MIPS path that Commodore wanted to go with Hombre.. 

Now, to figure out whether to get a Vampire V4 for my Amiga 500 (which is unknown condition) or wait for the 1200 version..

M Rickan

Posts 177
31 Oct 2017 00:30

Thierry Atheist wrote:

  If they sell enough of these, it will more than likely lead to them making a 68080 enhanced version...

Despite protests to the contrary, having Hyperion as an active participant in the Vampire realm is definitely a good thing - regardless of what you think of the company or their products.

John William

Posts 566
31 Oct 2017 02:24

Steve Ferrell wrote:

Thierry Atheist wrote:

Steve Ferrell wrote:
They haven't delivered anything but empty promises for years now and if not for A-Eon bailing them out they'd be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history.

    "be right where they belong, which is on the trash heap of history." -- Steve Ferrell
    So there it is, Steve, evidence that it's the equivalent of you in the video I posted a link to. Since that's your desire, you are obsessed with continuing your anti-hyperion commentaries. Pathetic.

  The only obsessed person here is you as evidenced by your rantings and psychoses.  You definitely exhibit bi-polar behavior and most of your rantings occur when you're in the manic phase.  You insist that OS4 is a "marvel".  It would have been a marvel back in 1998.  And all my comments about Hyperion are based in fact.  They haven't delivered on the following:
  2007 -- SMP promised
  2007 -- Office Suite promised
  2007 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x1000
  2015 -- Audio & NIC drivers for TABOR and FPU support
  2016 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x5000
  10 years to develop audio and NIC drivers is beyond ridiculous.  It's obvious they have no intention of developing them at this point and expect NG hardware users to fill their precious few slots with add-on cards.
  The only "marvel" here is that 10 years after their first broken promises you're still extolling what a great company Hyperion is.

- claps - bravo! I agree 100% with Steve Ferrell!!!

John William

Posts 566
31 Oct 2017 02:25

Steve Ferrell wrote:

  Sorry, but the only thing you're an expert on is how to be psychotic with your behavior and postings. 

I thought there was something weird in his posts O_O

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
31 Oct 2017 04:09

gregthe canuck wrote:

  If something comes out of the Hyperion's 3.1+ development that benefits Amiga users in general then that works for me. If beyond that something of benefit comes to the Vampire product line then that is great as well.

  Let say Hypes name is there due to copyright reasons. Just like it used to be lovely Amiga Inc. No Vamp support is mentioned for now,
  its great they behave differently when having some profits of Vamp project (the shop).
Steve Ferrell wrote:

  2007 -- SMP promised
  2007 -- Office Suite promised
  2007 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x1000
  2015 -- Audio & NIC drivers for TABOR and FPU support
  2016 -- Audio & NIC drivers for the x5000

Its everyone list of disapointment since OS4 would be quite useful if they kept the promises. Add the TW browser.

Its also a shame every hardware has to go over beta OS phase and drivers waiting. And is unfair to users who always kind of prepaid the OS development.

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